
China- Not Enough Girls? What will eventually happen?

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For every girl baby that gets murdered at birth, that's one more man who won't find a wife 20 years.

111 million chinese men will probably never marry, yet the chinese and other countries are still killing the girls. Men are already resorting to kidnappings, incest, and homosexuality.

Some experts say this will drive China into major warfare within 20 years. They will do this out of frustration, and to cull the surplus male population.

Me, if I lived in China, and had nothing but daughters, I would think these "useless mouths to feed" of mine would be quite an asset.




  1. Eventually they will realize "If someone somewhere didn't kill their daughter, I could b married to her right now and get all the s*x I want... Instead of being a lonely, masturbating loser".

  2. I almost decided not to answer this question as many good points had already been laid out. (Thumbs up to Pebbles & lil gaper).

    However, what I think will happen is what has always been meant to happen.  Men will kill each other off and woman [known commonly as meek and humble] shall inherit the earth.


    P.S.  / **EDIT**

    For just plain ol' Jim who must have plainly just had 'one too many': stop quoting other's ideas of truth.  C'mon, the "CIA Books of Fact".  Isn't that kind of like an oxy-moron?  Wake up and smell the burning brisket, baby.


  3. Those so called experts are full of $hit

    According to the CIA book of world facts, here is how it breaks down.


    at birth: 1.11 male(s)/female  


    at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female


    at birth: 1.07 male(s)/female

    Therefore, the discrepancy is both natural and unnatural.

    China ratio is:

    .06% different then the USA

    .04% different then the world

    China has also outlawed gender selection and restricted sonograms to help enforce that law.




  4. Well they tax you like crazy if you have a girl.... which means more abortions and more g*y guys.

    So... china will be like the g*y country maybe? they won't have much of a choice.

  5. china has almost the same view about women as they do in the middle east...yeah, give a billion guys nothing to let their frustrations out on..and you might just get oddly fanatical youth with no outlet but war and violence...bad bad stuff.

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