
China Olympics...when will enough be enough

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They have slaughtered thousands of companion animals in order to "clean up the streets", thrown people from their homes into the streets in order to build the arena, harassed reporters, and now they're denying visas to athletes who have political views. All this on top of the Tibet and Dufar tragedies.Would it not be better to just call off the whole thing and try again later somewhere else? It's just a travesty to me the world is going along with all this.




  1. Oh, yeah. And I saw on the news that they have to CLEAN their air so the athletes can actually practice/compete safely. It's that dirty.

    I'm sorry---China is too messed up right now to hold the Olympics.

  2. OMG! yeah, im not going to watch it! and ALSO they wont let colored people into the sadiums!  

  3. Unfortunately, canceling the Olympics is out of the question. The problem isn't that the IOC won't do anything now. The problem is that it has done far too much already to be in this situation in the first place.

    China was chosen out of International goodwill, it was believed that China was making strides towards human rights and economical recovery, finally bringing itself out of third world status.

    The IOC wanted the world to recognize these strides and awarded Beijing the 2008 Olympics, but in many people's opinion this was a fool-hearty gesture. Nobody knew enough about Chinese policies yet to call them a recovering nation.

    The problem with the Olympics is that it's a long standing tradition, not only in sports history, but human history. Only being canceled three times (1916, 1940, 1944) during world war I and II. To cancel the Olympics after choosing a nation is unprecedented, and is unfair to all the athletes who have trained (most that are returning for a second go would be too old for a third attempt at gold) as choosing a new nation would mean inevitable delays.

    Let's only hope that this Summer Olympiad ends peacefully with as little damage as possible, only making a blemish in IOC history, not a tragedy like the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich

  4. I just heard they will be shutting down factories too in order to clean the air, but it takes away peoples livlihoods.  They are probably going to shut off power in order to have enough to light the stadium during the games and then they will shutoff people water in order to fill the pool.  I'm guessing.  But still, when will they stop?  WILL they stop?  I don't think this was a good decision to have the games in a country that obviously can't support it.  They are putting the games and tourism above the needs of their own people.  I'm going to feed a stray kitty that jumped outt the bushes and wanted to be loved up yesterday.  She's VERY pregnant.  Considering bringing her home to have her babies and spending money I don't have to get her spayed.  She could be someones cat, but she's a little skinnny.

  5. Right! I'm totally with you. I saw on TV the other night this poor woman homeless taking care of both her sick parents. The Chinese government tore down their home in order to make room for the stadiums they put up. It's just sad.

  6. nobody forces anybody to go there.

  7. I agree, the Olympics are supposed to be a time where all countries come together despite everything else that is going on in the world and compete.  It is sad that China has done so much, and now they are keeping Joey Cheeks out (and he was going just to watch) for  his views.  It is crazy, but I guess the Olympics bring that out.

  8. Yes, their crimes cannot be easily tallied. Thanks to the Olympic committee, the blood is on their hands as well.  

  9. I think china has to get their things straight, cause what they're doin' is not fair.

  10. i'll be watching it!

  11. China is a horrible country.  They should have never decided to have it there to begin with.

  12. everybody has their eyes on China these days forgetting that China is not the only country these things are going on in, a friend of mine who has an American daughter was denied a visit visa to America so the whole family went and she had to stay at home and my Australian brother was denied a visa to the UK it happens everywhere  

  13. For your information, they did not do such thing!

    I have traveled to China and it is one of the cleanest places I have ever been to. All their animals (at least in the city AKA Beijing) are in shelters. If the arena needs more space, of course people will have to move, but they understand that it is the Olympics, after all. Why on earth would you harass a reporter who is trying to publicize your country to the world? The history of Tibet is a history.

    I can't believe you would even say to just "call off the whole thing". You have obviously not learned in Social Studies that it takes EIGHT YEARS to plan for a summer Olympics game.

    Even if they just "called it off", tons of money would be wasted from construction, now, wouldn't that be even worse?

    you ALSO forgot one little, teeny weeny detail:

    the Olympics is starting the day after tomorrow.

    Yeah! Sorry, hun.

    Kind of too late, don't you think?

  14. you seem to have forgotten one simple aspect to these olympics.


    China paid a lot of money to have the Olympics in Beijing which is why they have not been called off.  

  15. I agree completely.  They are killing cats, tearing down homes, banning mentally retarded people from being spectators, denying Visas from people that don't agree with their views.  They are trying to make their country look perfect in the eyes of the rest of the world (see no stray animals, no run down homes, no mentally challenged).  It sickens me.  I think that holding the Olympics should be an honor.  It is an honor China doesn't deserve.

  16. deal with it it, there not gnna call it off is the olympics

  17. I WILL NOT be watching the Olympics this year. I have also been boycotting products that are made in China as best I can. The atrocities that are going on in that country just make me absolutely sick.

  18. Yeah, I somewhat agree. I am against oppressive governments like the Chinese with all their Human Rights violations. But, history has taught me to let far flung governments govern their own territory even if I don't like it. To exclude and deny 1 billion people from being the host of the Olympics will do more harm to the world.

  19. There seems to have been nothing but drama since everything started kicking off.  I'm not even interested in the Olympics this year....

  20. What they are doing is just horrific and I hope it'll all get cancelled. I wish people would all wake up and not attend. China is a horrible country! Even the athletes are wearing masks! I certainly won't be watching it!!

    My sister just came back with her husband on a business trip from Singapore and she doesn't believe me. I had told her about the cruelty they do to cats and dogs and that they eat them. She says she didn't see anything of the sort and that a lot of people have pets!! She has a very high position at work and just thinks I'm ignorant! If she doesn't believe, I guess there must be a lot of people who don't believe it as well! She says she really loved her trip, good for her! For me, even if the trip would be FREE, I still would never go!

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