
China? One Child policy?

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Watching the journalists or activists tonight on the television. The guy was talking about human rights in China and how the government only allows a couple to have one child. I sat there thinking, Geezz.. The Country has a billion and half people.. I don't think the government is asking to much by creating a law that says your only allowed to have one child.. Makes sense to me. Now, I know there are things that go on behind the scenes such as forced abortions, etc.. But, on the surface the one child law makes sense. Consider the alternative if they didnt have it - a population explosion and many would starve.. Comments?




  1. China doesn't need laws against overpopulation

    rather China needs to space race USA and Russia to other planets and parraterraform them so that they can take over solar system

  2. that is a load of c**p.that is what i think.

  3. I agree. It seems that's the purpose of a gov't.. Seems like a bad thing, but it's something needed.. Overpopulation is not a good thing, there has to be a cutoff point somewhere, and I think China realized that they are very close to that point...

  4. Your viewing your opinion, what was your question?

  5. well yeah on the gowvernment side of thngs that is a veryy good law.. but think of it as a couple not being aloud to have more then one kid.. well think of it as if they had twins they would have to kill one or get abortion.. i agree that its a good law but think af the couples who want the average amount of 3 kids and they cant.. i just dont think its a fair thing for couples..  this matter makes me think alot.. its a good law but then it can ruin many lives..  

  6. I'm all for it in fact, they should implement that chit here in the U.S. I'm tired of paying for stupid people's dumb azz kids with my tax dollars. Some people should not have kids and the govt should force them to have abortions. The world would be a better place.

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