
China Rigging Olympics?

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It is so true china are rigging the olympics they have 22 gold after one week they have never done so well and its not home crowd advantage because yesterday a team of four swimmers from china last year never made the world series final and they win gold that is insane and an aussie swimmer says its crazy to and besides the judges are rigging it for china does anybody want to do a drug test or somthing. Give us your opion




  1. I would rig the olympics too, if i had a small p***s..

  2. Sorry the Chinese swimmers won fair and square and you are just a bad sport to your country and you should be ashamed.

  3. USA Rigging Swimming? OMG REALLY. Have you ever taken one look at Michael Phelps? Wow maybe because they actually trained harder, perhaps BECAUSE it was going to be IN China. Yeah.. the Judges are on drugs... thats why their rigging it. How CAN judges rig them, millions of viewers are watching, no TRILLONS. Can't you just accept the fact that both the US and China are have GOOD ATHLETES.  

  4. they were 4th in atlanta, then 3rd in 2000 then 2nd in 2004. so obviously not cheating. it is not like china just got gold all of a sudden. americans are whiners for sure. Why can't you accept that athletes from other countries are better?

  5. Your logic is stupid at best.  China has been doing better each Olympic and they were #2 in the last Olympic.  They have home court advantage.  

    Accusing others of cheating because they won is a the first sign of sore loser.  Should I accuse all American athletes dope because Marion Jones did?  Should I accuse Armstrong doping because French accusation?

    Grow a brain, please.

  6. China has been heavy favorites to win the most gold medals in Beijing 2008 since the Games started.  They are still 2-5 heavy favorites to win the most.  They finished with the 3rd most gold medals in Sydney 2000, and the 2nd most gold medals in Athens 2004, behind the U.S. by the count of 32-35.

    China's Zhang Juan Juan created a huge upset yesterday by winning gold in the women's individual archery event.  Archery is neither judged nor it is an event any kind of drugs would help a lot with.

    You know drugs allegations are going to fall on the U.S.'s shoulders first if anything after the medals given up by them for what they did in Sydney.  I think they are clean this time around so far, but there's no reason you should be jealous of another country's accomplishments just because things don't go your way.

  7. I say the gymnastics are unfair and the chinese are getting better scores. Its true cause on the womens individual events, a chinese gymnast fell and had many flaws on the vault and she still got bronze over an american that got 4th and landed 2 great vaults! Its just not fair, not only do 70% of people think so, but the media and people announcing it say the same. As im watching it, the announcers say "I cant believe she got that score what is going on, im bout to fall out of my chair, that is unbelievable. she does not deserve bronze when she fell!" Go to h**l china, have your cheating olympics, cause it will be your last for you and your 13 yr old gymnast!  This olympics is not even exciting cause of the poor scoring by judges. You should be ashamed china. d**n you and your communist country!  

  8. "Give us your opion."

    What?!?!?! Why ask for drug OPIUM in yahoo answer??

    "It is so true china are rigging olympics"

    What?!?! No opium for you my friend!!

    "china does anybody want to do a drug test or somthing."

    No one want no drug test!! Why we want to do drug test?? You one asking for opium!!

    "yesterday a team of four swimmers from china last year never made the world series final and they win gold"

    How they win gold in world series when they not enter world series?!!? Ahh, maybe you take much opium! Stop!!!

    "that is insane and an aussie swimmer says its crazy"

    Ohh!! NOOO!!! Not a aussie swimmer say it crazy!

    not all aussie can swim, what aussie said it crazy?!?! Most aussie can swim, what aussie said it's crazy?!?! YOU no take opium!

    What kind of question is this!??!? It demanding for opium that what it is!!

  9. Yeah, I have noticed that. Just like how tons of people noticed the underage looking gymnasts from there too. But what do you expect? It's China!! If they are cheating, they're on home soil, and they're gonna try to cover up all their tracks. But in events like swimming the winners are obvious (in races at least.) So I don't think they have been cheating there.

    But oh well. What can we do? I'm just gonna enjoy the rest of the Olympics and root for team USA!!!

  10. no one is rigging anything.  If China got the thing rigged, Pang would've not been disqualified on the women's 100m free.

    They also wouldn't have gotten bronze in the women's all round.

  11. i dont think the judges are rigging the china olympic swimming, but for sure they r pretty much rigging the gymnastics. nastia stuck the landing yesterday and did so great and got a 15. china did worse, missed the landing, and made 7 visible mistakes and got a 15.25 or something like that. so i totally agree with you that they are rigging the olympics in gymnastics. but in swimming that means chinas just training harder.  

  12. It seems that the Chinese have underage gymnasts on the team.  I guess they push them so hard that they either burn out or get injured and have to be replaced by underaged athletes.  Lets see if these same girls show up in the next Olympics as proof or disproof of this observation.  Bela Karolyi certainly has been around for a while and made some very strong comments about the ages of the chinese girls.

    I think that the proof of age can be done by simply having a dentist check the teeth of each competitor.  

  13. How does winning one race equate to rigging the Olympics? What Olympics are you watching? The Americans are dominating swimming. Are the Americans rigging the Olympics? Why can't you accept that in a country with 1 billion people they might be able to field some quality athletes?  

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