
China is Crushing the USA in the Olympics, how does this make you feel?

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China has more gold and gold medals hold more 'weight'. Lol the Olympics has NEVER gone by just "number of medals" for a country... that's why they have gold silver and bronze.




  1. china is wining because there athletes have no lives and are robots literal there supposed to be at least 16 but the gnmyestts look like 10  

  2. were losing to them? wow

  3. LOL... go live there...

  4. they are not!

    China has 35 medals, USA has 34...

    i wouldn't call that "crushing"

  5. Nobody is crushing anyone!  The olympics is not a measuring stick of which country is the most powerful based upon Gold Medals alone.  I've been watching the Olympics since 1972 and have experienced the Soviet Union dominating and the United States "winning" and setting world records.  It's not for bragging rights or anything political, but rather a sporting competition for the athletes to do their best.  Only those that have never fully watched the Olympics and know what they're really about are uneducated.

    The measure of who's the "best" at the Olympics will not be revealed until the flame is extinguished and the final medal totals are tabulated.  


  6. Happy, but a lot of US citizen doesnt know anything about olympics medal count.  The first place in a olympics game is the country with the most gold medal, now china has 12 more gold medal than USA, so even USA will get more bronze medals China will be the first place, because of the gold medals

  7. I don't care. Just because china is good at gymnastics and diving (sports with precise body motions) doesn't mean were going not going to beat them when track comes along.US 34 medals, china 35 not crushing. Go USA.  China you rock too.

  8. they do have an overwhelming lead in gold medals- but its not apples to apples.

    China is the modern equivalent of the soviet athletic machine.  3 year olds are culled from their families and put into a sports facility where they train continuously.  They don't go to school, have jobs etc like american atheletes.

    They are robots.  It doesnt make me think they are better than me...

    PS - "the olympics" don't provide a medal count as though its a national competition.  That is a product of the media...

  9. the U.S has more overall medals but china just has more gold

  10. China is 1/5 the worlds population. They should win more gold they have more people, better chance to get better athletes.

    They "boot camp" them to supremacy, I am sure if the US did that we would have a better chance too.  

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