
China is Imperialist 4 conquering Tibet & splitting in 3 & the sameTurkestan & InnerMongolia.What do yu think?

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Turkestan (Xinjiang for Chinese) or Uyguristan is populated by Turkish language speakers which also are mainly muslim.Tibet was conquered in the '50s by the "Antiimperialist Maoist China" and then splitted in 3 provinces.Inner Mongolia was conquered before but should be turned back to Mongolia.

All of them , among others , are proofs that China is an empire and off course it's imperialist contradicting it's supposed antiimperialism.




  1. US and UK and Israel are the imperialist countries. Iraq and Afghanistan are now under their imperialist occupation and control, Next is Iran.

    Israel is US UK's Zionist imperialist creation in Arab---purpose is to conquer whole Arab countries.

  2. China is imperialist. Chinese government wants a similar culture for Chinese people. Differences in culture only can be expressed by dances, costumes and others superficial traditions.

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