
China is a cheater!!! we all know that ! Olympics?

by  |  earlier

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shouldn't they be disqualified cuz they used underage girls(under 16)???





  1. Yes i guess, but who is going to disqualified them?  the hosting Chinese? I dont think so....

  2. Cmon. Didn't we win the all around Gold? Hm... as it turns out, to get a good score, all you need to do is perform on your routines! Who knew huh?? The judges are from all over the world. How they can ALL be favoring China? Even if there is bribing going on, usually they only bridge 1 or 2 judge that CAN BE pribed. Are you saying all the judges are on China's pay roll and no one have any moral?? Get real. Thats nearly impossible. People who claimed China using underage girls (unproven other than speculations) have an big advantage is completely WRONG! With so many different skills involved Gymnastics, there are just as many routines that require more strength then finesse. Did you see how the Chinese girl was doing the same jump on the pummel horse as Shawn Johnson while doing singles competitions? She couldn't even get up high enough and ended up falling on her butt. Don't even bring up the younger girls have no fear c**p. With or without fear, you've got to be able to perform. If someone cant focus on the biggest stage, then they are not champions. Champions never doubt their ability, only losers do. Lets just accept that we got out performed for the group competition and give China their props. We lost the tie breaker because of offical rules! Not something they made out of thin air to award China the medal. If it was the other way around and China lost, we wouldnt complain about this rule would we? We have no proof about the girls age and most likely we never will know the truth. IOC approved their age and we have to accept that. Lets stop accusing them just because they dont "look" young enough. Thats like saying Lebron James or Greg Oden are really 40 cause they dont "look" like they are 20. Stupid argument. US always ends up with the most medal. So now some other country wins more, all of a sudden its not precious anymore?

  3. honestly its unfair.

    but they wont strip the hosting country of its medals.

    they know it too the cheating ughhs

  4. Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

    Phelps is doping!!!

  5. even if they did cheat, those kids were amazing...i mean, that is their job, that is what they live for

  6. As I stated in a previous question like this.....who is going to determine how old these girls are?  The government is not going to let people go through their birth records to double check what the girls passports show.  And the people who do know would not dare to speak ill against the government for fear of retaliation.  This is a communist country, the people are not allowed nor encouraged to think for themselves.  

  7. Keep quiet until there is solid, reliable evidence proving that. End of story. Until everyone is unanimously agreed what you're saying is like water off a duck's back.

  8. yeah but it doesn't matter cuz we  still have more medals won then them so HAH

  9. definitely, but perfect timing to cheat when the games are held in your own country.  I hope they will have their medals stripped in the future.

    Yup we all know they cheated, the whole world and even the Chinese know their country cheated but can't stop it, for now anyway.  

    The age really makes a lot of difference. Because these 2 underage athletes aalthough darn good but so are probably many that couldn't compete because of age. Ex. Liukin was favorite in Athens but underaged. There are guaranteed others who couldn't compete in Beijing.

    Also, these athletes who followed the rules have to wait 4 extra years to be elligible  to compete and have to deal with changes in their bodies as well as more injuries when they get to the 17-18 age. So trully unfair to the gymnasts.  The longevity of an athlete such as a gymnast is so short that it's unfair that some can compete in more olympics by cheating and other's can't by playing fairly. Meaning less chances for that medal.

  10. Oh Boo Hoo. Did they kick your asses?

  11. Yeah I know but they're not gonna be disqualified because they how they cheated. There's no good evidence to disqualify them.

  12. What proof is there that they did?

    And besides, if you all think they are under 16, That's saying a lot for your country, seeing as they got beaten by little girls

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