
China is cheating again in Olympic games, what do you think?

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I think it's really not professional, we always follow the rules and regulations in sports and we always practice fairness in everything. If we want to win, we must train hard, work hard and follow every single instructions especially with this so called special Olympic game it's a world game and it always been like that. I have been a sports fanatic and I have been watching Olympic for long time, and I expect China to be fair as well in any games. But it seems that I am wrong, we understand that they wanted to win in all games but they can't be that greedy to win all, and every games and sportsmen or women have their own limitations too etc. so we have to respect that, we can't simply force them to do things beyond their control especially when they're injured we can't force them to run in a track that's a crazy thing to do, it's so unprofessional. Why is that such a big country like China doing this stuff again and again as if they're trying to control the whole world, they must be greedy I must say. I strongly support sports but then people treated sports like's so sad to know about this whole sad stuff. And cheating of age in sports also means cheating already, enough is enough. Now we all know that China is cheating in games as well, I thought Western countries are doing this all the time but i was wrong. What to do, China people are just being Chinese from China(sigh) I'm so dissappointed. What's next China? I wonder...




  1. YOU LOST ..........keep whining ...

  2. yup defff,,,,their ppl have no manner and they are just biased as h**l

  3. Oh ! God ! what you are talking about !

    They are holding a PERFECT Olympics, They are doing a GOOD job !!!

  4. yes i think they are

    you see, there are 2 Chinese gymnasts that have been persecuted 4 their age and their right too. In the Chinese official sport website about their gymnasts last year, they said that 1 was 13 and the other was 14, which would make them 14 and 15.

    And this search wont be continued anymore , because the IOC has officially dropped the accusation. But, i dont think this is the biggest deal ever. China worked very hard to make this Olympics nice, and who really cares?

    We already got the most medals.

  5. How do you know china is cheating? did the ioc told you or they anounce it?  Thats one thing about americans, we alwayse listen and believe what the media saids, and everything by the book, come on, you gotta use some sence here, you think smart people have to cheat to pass a test ?  when ever theres people- theres politics, when theres politics - theres hatres and nv, .  People alwayse hating that china is coming up and becoming superpowered, thats good for them, thought we believe in god? god didntn tell us to hate on people, only people invade people or country that invade other coutries will worry if others are doing better then them.

  6. Didnt check where you are from, but you sound like some stupid nationlistic american bimbo with some abstract sense of moral correctness but screwed up knowledge of the world.

    Have you been living in a cave on a deserted island since you were born? Or are you just poorly educated (i.e. American educated).

    The previous post explained pretty clearly how much America cheats (as well as other nations). As to whether China cheated, time will tell, but thus far, no one has proved anything. I thought the most basic tenet of all western legal systems was innocence til proven guilty.

    Again, American SORE LOSERS!!!

  7. In the Atlanta games many American tested positive for drugs...but they have to have a second test to prove they are drug cheats, and often their tests went missing.

    America is a well known cheating nation (Ben Johnson, Flo Jo) and few athletes test positive to drugs these days, they are usually caught taking drugs to mask the positive they are really hard to catch.

    Of course China is cheating, the "16 year old" gymnast is a perfect example.

    But China has also put a lot of effort into building an Olympics team. Many of the atheletes probably trained for less than 1000 RMB a month (maybe $120 US) and they have a population of 1.3 Billion with many people who will bust their butt to escape poverty. China has a great ability to produce talent.

    But of course they will cheat a little, just like the US is known to do.

  8. China is not the only country that has been caught cheating in the past. And there have been a number of eliminations in these Olympics for cheating from nations other than China. And until China is proved to be cheating- isnt it better to give them the benefit of the doubt and let the experts work it out? If you are going to have a go at cheats- at least be fair about it.

  9. what are you talking about?

    in what events did they cheat? (dun tell me gymnastics cos it's still under investigation now)

  10. To Molly asking someone to name ONE Chinese 'drug cheat':

    How about over 40 in one sport IN ONE YEAR? The China swimming team doping scandal of the 90's is one of the biggest doping scandals in ALL TIME.  

  11. I'm not even going to bother reading that. Why wont these questions stop showing up?!!! Did you see like a million similar questions when you were typing this up? I'm sure you did

  12. idiot,you are lying again!!

  13. well... get over it, even if all the girls in gymnastic team are disqaulified, it still doesnt change the fact they host a safe, successful Games and top the gold medal tally!

    LEDIA: Last I remember neither Ben Johnson nor Marion Jones are Chinese

  14. All in the fairness of the games OK then please name me one Chinese drug cheat.

  15. It does not matter

    The truth will come out

    It did after Sydney, it will some day

    It's wrong

    Western countries does not cheat, they do not make fake passports(China did at Sydney)

    People cheat, their Country had no idea in most cases

  16. What's next? 1.Time to resign yourself to the fact that China is the next number one sports and economic superpower 2. Time to stop mindless ranting. Chill!!

  17. Paul Hamm stole Gold from Korean in Athens 2004!

    Devers stole Gold from Otty in Atlants 1996!

  18. Wat wrong on Chinese??? IOC still investigate on it..pls don't said anything bad on Chinese or China!!!  

  19. They cheated on the gymnasts' ages, so they could be on the gymnastics team.

  20. No secret remains a secret forever. It will catch up to them. Everything will come out in due time. Look at the Chinese girl who admitted years later that she was just 14 when she won the bronze. People who cheats know that they cheated.

  21. When will the American audiences snap out of it and realize every accusation are made up stories to make their audiences feel better about losing.

    In the international court of law none of these accusation stick because they are baseless.  Everyone knows its sour grapes.

  22. Yea, definitely they're cheating in every game!....In the pass, they didn't get that much medal, but in this year, the Olympic which host by china, they get the most gold!.. What's wrong?... I think they really cheating...  

  23. Please explain what you mean by 'doing this stuff again and again', and 'We all know that China is cheating'.

    And please please, when you do explain, do not bring this incessant gymnastics debate into it.

    By the way, do you happen to be an American?   Just curious, as you do not make it clear when you say 'we'.

  24. You are being extremely ignorant and arrogant. I am not even Chinese and find that to be offensive and degrading.

    In the Western society, we practice a method of law, where people are innocent until proven guilty. So why is there a double standard when it comes to treating the Chinese with the same courtesy!

    You say that the Chinese are being greedy by attempting to "take over the world". The American went into Iraq and Afghanistan, killing millions of people just to try and gain a stronghold on their resources. But you have failed to recognize this as part of the same matter

    And if you wanna talk about cheating in the Olympics have you forgotten about your beloved Marian Jones? Or Paul Hamm gold medal, which he won due to a judging error, but you don't really care unless cause its an American winning gold

    Your sense of pride, entitlement and giant ego have completely distorted your views on this matter. The IOC have already stated that they are investigating this matter. Until it is officially stated by the IOC that China has cheated, they are innocent

  25. yeah heard about this so called invistigation last night,woke up this morning and its over already.good thing they dont work for the f.b.i. or c.i.a or we would be in serious trouble.good point ohio

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