
China: is confucius, confucism a form of mind-control. how come china never went beyond farming, agriculture.?

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google: history of china

google: confucius.

china, for it history, never went beyond agricuture, farming

it never had:

1. scientific revolution "science"

2. industrial revolution "industry"

3. democratic revolution "democracy, law-based society"

4. alphabet -based writing. abcdefghijk....

google: imperials exams. the old imperial exams were rote-memorization of confucius classes,

is confucius a form of mind-control

no nobel prize winners in china, ever

no science-technology, invnentions for 500-1000 years.

is this all due to mind-control of confucius.

what's the truth. let's find the truth.




  1. The only fault with Confucianism is that it did not challenge authority but encouraged its followers to live within the laws of man as well as the natural laws.  To some degree, Christianity is the same (just exchange God's laws for natural laws).  Jesus did not challenge any of Rome's laws.

    The oriental culture itself did not reward "free thinkers", obedience and compliance was the order of the day.  Japan had the same problem with its feudal system, that still exists today.

    The yoke of teh dark ages caused by Christianity were finally thrown off when men actually did begin to question things, and free thinking took over, scientific method was adopted, and it never stopped.

  2. China has forever been under Imperial Rule and then in latter days Communism. Neither system is conducive to individual achievement. There is no incentive to produce more because all you produce is taken away from you and each person receives the same benefit regardless of whether they work or not. It is not mind control but more like total control. The leadership does not want the common people to educate themselves. China is beginning to see through the darkness in recent years and will soon be out of the dark ages.

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