
China is dominating the Olympics at the moment, am I correct?

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BUT when events like Track & Field begins the US will most likely blow the world out of the water and take the lead in medal counts.

Who agrees?

P.S - Which country do you think will end up winning the most medals: USA or China?




  1. Has no one noticed that when a country hosts the olympics they tend to win gold more that the others.

    Track and field can go either way USA and Australia but then again we have seen some wonders come from poorer countries.

    Have to admit that China doesnt feature to well in track and field.

  2. usa suks china wins usa sucks except bball  but still uus sucks

  3. yep,i think so...

    bt i hope china win it.


    up to now,china has got 22 gold medals!!!!

  4. of course, 3 words- home.field.advantage.

    and im sure they have some tricks up their sleeve. they're probably putting something in the water bottles for the other countries!

  5. I think USA will end up with the most medals, but I think China will get the most gold medals.  

  6. Definately China, and I hope they do, they have twice the amount of gold medals than the US at the moment.

  7. Michael Phelps is dominating the Olympics at the moment, am I correct?  :)

  8. yeah, China has most medals so far and US has most gold....but US will get more medals in the end....because I really don't think the Chinesse have any altheles for the Track and field and other altheltic event....hopefully...

    Anyways, GOLD for JAMAICA in 100m and 200m.....sorry, but i really had to....(smile)

  9. i wouldn't say dominating when they are only like 2 medals ahead of the US right now. So, they are doing well, but I certainly wouldn't call it domination.

  10. They are leading the medal count and gold medal count but it's still the first week.  And I wouldn't call one medal difference dominating.

    I think that the US will pass China for good tonight and pull ahead enough that the Chinese can't catch up.

    To those who thumbed me down: I'm right so far.

    12 hours later: I'm still right.

  11. Looking at the present rate China is collecting golds, i doubt the US would be able to surpass the gold medals won by China. China is currently leading US by 12 golds and there are still a number of events which China may win gold ( eg. diving, gymnastics, table tennis, badminton, weighlifting ). Yes , US would probably win another 10 golds in swimming and track and fields but that wouldn't be enough to overtake China. US should sit at no.2 comfortably though. To my suprise Russia has not been performing that good.

  12. China is leading with the most gold and medals atm

    I think USA will end up with most medals, but China with most gold.

    They have almost twice as many golds as we do.

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