
*****China is so Sick*****?

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First off i wanna say that i have nothing against the chinese and its people, the reason i know wat im about to say is true is because i have a couple of friends who live in china.

As you prolly already know, there was a contreversy over the girl who sung at the opening ceremony. She lip synced it. the real girl whose voice was heard that night was not allowed to appear at the ceremony and was replaced because she basically wasn't good enough for tv and to show the world.

ok i thought that was a big deal but when i was talkin to my friends in china, they had no idea wat i was talking about. my friend tried to search it on the chinese google search engine but it said that it contains info relevent with law issues. and he said that no one knows about it in china. My other friend lives on the otherside of china and she said the same thing.

The other controversy is the gymnastics star of china who may be only 13, and not old enough to compete. she is a very talented athelete. Reports say that in may a paper was printed in china that gave her bday which was 13 years ago. the chinese government made them change the print on the newspaper.

and probably the worst of all these is the one most people are not aware of yet. for the opening ceremony the chinese was going to have a national singer/dancer (kinda like a jennifer lopez kinda thing) perform. but during rehearsals, the stage collapsed and that woman might not be able to ever walk again.

of course, the chinese government tried to hide it and they are doing a very good job of it.

hearing these stories makes me lose interest in visiting china and makes me proud to be an american. and proud that we dont live in a box where the government is tricking us in thinking that their country is perfect. Just think how many other stories there are in china?

What do you think about all this?




  1. We should have protested the Olympics all together. The chinese don't have any such thing as human rights. They are kind of barbaric.

  2. About that dancer who got paralyzed after falling during the rehearsals, yes, they have been trying to mellow it down. If it happened here, somebody is going to be sued and pay millions of dollars in damages. And it will be all over the news everywhere.

    About the switched little girls, China replaced the one with bucked teeth with the one with missing teeth. WTF? Because of the switch, instead of looking good in front of the whole world, they are disgracing themselves instead.

  3. One of the major complains by Chinese students is that westerners think that they're naive and brainwashed just because their country does not have a free press. Btw, the pew research center reported that about 80% of Chinese citizens are satisfied with the government. Do you really think that the goverment can trick 1 billion people into being satisfy with it? People over there knows that the media is regulated by the government. They're not stupid. Yeah, the Chinese government has its faults but that's all the western media talks about. When they do something good, it's rarely news. You know, people in other countries might be thinking about the same thing of the US if all the news they get about the US is the war in Iraq and hurricane katrina and so on.

    Edit: And are you so naive as to think that the US media has no bias or report things that aren't proven? Reporters are people too and they would be biased consciously or unconsciously. And it's not rare for the majority of the people to think a certain way in times of economic uncertainty and fear ("the Chinese are taking away our jobs", etc)

  4. you are proud to be american now? HAHHAHA.

    Americans are the biggest whiners, they always look for little flaws from everyone and every country. I'm sorry, but americans are really making me mad, I never used to like dislike them, but now it is getting to the point where I'm so angry. All they do is complain about others flaws, and try to find reasons for why they are not the best. Like accusing other countries of cheating. If they were first, then I don't think they would be complaining. It's actually really sad how americans are sore losers...

    EDIT: americans shouldn't be proud. Who is the country that goes to like afghanistan and Iraq and start a war? Hmm.. let me think... AMERICA? yeah.

    EDIT: so yea, to me Usa is the sickest out of all the countries in the world and on mars. You sound like a hyprocrite.

  5. I totally agree with you 100%. And I read in the newspaper all the same things. Also if you watched the opening ceramony on t.v the fireworks that you were seeing were fake. Also I am disgusted that they didn't let that little girl be out there singing.  

  6. "China is presenting itself as a place with democratic freedoms where everyone has the right to protest, even during the Olympics, but in reality the protest permits won't be granted," Wang Wenjin, a 65-year-old from Hong Kong, said after he submitted his application.

    Wang, who flew into Beijing on Monday, belongs to a group that represents Hong Kong business owners with investments in China who say they have encountered unfair treatment and corruption in the mainland. He said officials told him he hadn't provided enough paperwork for an individual demonstration.

    Also Monday, a dozen people applied for permits to protest about being forcibly evicted from their homes to make way for redevelopment projects.

    As they gathered, plainclothes security officers videotaped them and took their photographs, a common method for Chinese authorities to keep track of dissenting voices and one that intimidates many Chinese.

    "I have lived all over since I became homeless, including tunnels, warehouses, on the street, and the houses of friends and relatives," Yang Shuangjun, 37, who lost his home in 2006, told AP reporters who were present. "What they have done to us is unlawful and unfair."

  7. most of us Chinese already know the event about the singer,and we feel sorry for that too.

    but it's not right to say "China is so sick".how much do you know about china?you can say that after you have come to china.your media only speeks ill of China,seldom good of.

    America has made an aggression against Iraq for oil,which leads to millions of deaths.and is trying to do the same to Iran too.

    So,Comparing China and America ,which is "so sick"?

  8. you brought up amazing points there. I thought the only f-ed up things were the gymnastics..... which were totally unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wow  i deffinatly am proud to be american right now!!!!!!!

    I think its terrible what the chinese are doing. Their government has always been messed up. now they are liers and cheaters. that is just low.

  9. it is true, and i'm taiwanese and china never let our COUNTRY go as Taiwan cause taiwan never agreed to letting china make us part of there country. THey made us go as CHINESE TAIPEI!!! taipei is the capitol of i still realy don't like china much, and after all the stories idk......

  10. actually, just b/c a certain people your friend has talked to didnt know, doesnt mean that the entirety of china doesnt know. the fact that the singer wasnt the real one was released by the organizers -- it wasnt debunked or found out by western media. I too have a friend in Beijing right now and he was the one that told the rest of us. So... you're wrong there.

    haha just a side note, you guys are all getting worked up about the lip syncing. I'm sorry that girl wasnt "pretty enough", I agree its harsh, but think of all the singers whose voices have been used by pop stars. dont we feel sorry for them?

    The chinese govt. hides alot of things (SARS anyone?) but they've been slowly getting better and opening up. But also, don't assume that the western media is always free and open.

  11. Wow, you're so naive. Do you honesty think the US never hid anything from us? Why be the hypocrite and criticize another country for their government. There are a lot of things you don't know about China, so if you've never been there, don't be a hypocrite and criticize them. Instead of listening to  secondary information from 2 people, why not look at the bigger image here and visit the country to see for yourself?

    I've known a lot of Americans who have visit China, which made them change their negative perspective and they seem to realize that America constantly attack China throught the biased media and make up things that aren't even true. Don't let what the society says refrain you from doing what you want.

    Yes, be proud of the race who took over a country that belongs to the Native Americans, commited atrocities against Black People (slavery), biased towards other race, killing innocent Mexicans crossing the border, killing of Middle Eastern people, invading weaker countries and taking over, need I say more? Is this what you're happy about? So why are you critizing China when they've clearly done none of these? China doesn't talk c**p about America like the US does about China.

    Do you honesty believe that America isn't the most corrupted government? If so, you're still living in your naive little world. China is far far far older than America (more than 20x's older), so what you should do is at least show some respect.

    From your judgements, you seen very narrow-minded. Why? You only listen to one side of the story and not the other. This is what the media does. They never tell the whole story to something.

  12. these 3 things are all you can come up with??they're mentioned by you people so many times,are you Americans all so stupid dumbasses?? I mean,there're more!!!

    -the performers performed Tai-Gi are NOT real Tai-Gi masters,they are actors!!how can they cheat like that!!

    -the kite girl flying through the bird's nest,but human CAN'T fly!!!how can they cheat like that.

    -people walking around the earth??they're NOT walking on it----can't you see the steel wires???how can you not see them!!

    -and speaking of earth,it's not even real earth,how can earth be so small??cheaters!!


    and also,Sarah Brightman who sings YOU AND ME may not be real Sarah Brightman because they always fake but I don't know I just tell you what I think:she's not the real one


    be pride of who you are and dig more dirts but use your brain plz,you stupid ugly dirts digging tools.

    btw:they collect voice and acting separately at the very first time to accomplish scenic perfection and the names of TWO girls are written on the ticket 2 there're vids of some gymnastics girls competing many years ago and they're not appear to be infant 3,chinese people know all these things even before you do,and if on one in China knows it then it's fake,now we all see what is western media's real face

  13. join amnesty international. you'd be a great advocate.

    for those who later answered

    - why do we even bother to argue about this? all we are doing is spreading animosity for either china or america. none of it doing any good. if you weren't there, weren't one of the competitors, aren't the little girl; you really, don't have the full story. its your own perception- biased from the information you have received second hand. don't stereotype nations on what you "think" they might have done, or what 1 person out of 300million did.

    to ther persons compalining about liukin- do you know everything about gymnastics? do you know all the scoring all the 36 hours + a week they train what they train what is considered perfect? what is worth what? i dont know if you do or dont but im assuming not because if you did you wouldnt be so persistent about it. there is always a margin for error in every sport.

    i have a family friend, who, for the olympics aided in the surveying required to set up the high jump and running and swimming stuff to record the heights and times.- the people who run the olympics, the officials are not surveyors- and if the guy had wanted to he could have made a difference of about 5 cm for the high bar or even 1-2 seconds for the swimming stuff because for all the flash equipment and new technology, there are always flaws.- always a reason to complain, if you wanted to be completely honest.

    everyone has their own box they live in, whether they want to or not, because we can't experience everything in a lifetime. therefore we don't have the right to judge each other or another culture, only ourselves- not even our nation, but ourselves.

    so although the question is valid and interesting, no one can truly say they are right.

  14. Usa is so sick

    American is so mean out of everything, why dun u think about what USA government done to our society before u give a judgement to others ?

  15. I lose interest in visiting America because i dont wanna get kill like September 11. as we known they have lots of enemies such as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Cube, North Korea, Russia, China... uncountable.... if the country is so great then why the h**l so many countries hate America? i would rather traveling in China at least there is more safe and the ppl are more friendly~~  by the way, i know NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is looking for a home for its citizens in Mars. we all wish the Americans will have happier life in there ^_^ ~~~

  16. Why are you so fond of listening to GOSSIPS. Save some money and go to China.

    USA is not sick at all. USA has never killed anybody, never lied, never cheated, never used drugs.

  17. for an american, you sure write alot of bs.

  18. That's bull****! I'm chinese and I even saw that news on the most influential chinese website before the western media aired it.  

  19. No country is sicker than USA.  

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