
China now criticise Russia over South Ossetia. Thats ripe. What about Tibet ?

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Kamran No sorry I do have a link as it was reported on one of the news programs ,probably Aljazeera or Euronews




  1. Don't believe anything from the US media that said China isolated Russia. From Tianamen Square Massacre to China calling the girl "too ugly:...the Western media is brainwashing group to demonize China.

    And BTW Russia and China are very good friends and not just economically but politically well.

    ~~~~~~~"In a joint statement, the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan said they "support the active role of Russia in assisting peace and cooperation in the region."

    The six in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) also "express their deep concern over the recent tensions surrounding the South Ossetia question and call for the sides to peacefully resolve existing problems through dialogue."

    -----------Then the article changed to non-quotes and I don't know why:

    China's foreign ministry reiterated, however, its concern over Russia's decision to recognise two breakaway Georgian provinces as independent states, and experts were split on how to interpret the Dushanbe statement.~~~~

  2. Do you have a link to this story Michael???

  3. Wait until Taiwan gets US military aid and let's see what Russia says.  As for Tibet...well they murdered the Tibetans and repressed their culture unlike what Russia is doing with So. Ossetia so maybe they want them to be tougher.

  4. if china's critisism is true, it is purely unwanted. South ossetia was part of the then soviet union.  Moreover, the people living are the russians having russian passport.  Moreover, the people like only russia and not georgia.


    china occupied Tibet forcefully without mankind.  still the tibetian people are against china and struggling for freedom.  The china authorities are torturing the tibetian people daily.  moreover, it interfering in the religious matters which made shri Dalailama to seek asylum in india.


    china have no right to criticise russia.

  5. How quickly they forget.

  6. People in glass houses should not throw stones..

  7. tibet is a internal affair.

  8. They criticised Russia for allowing South Ossetia to become independent,

    because they themselves refuse to allow Tibet, or for that matter Taiwan, to do the same. Since the West said nothing about Kosovo's independence I guess we are quits on the breakaway issue. I think Scotland should break away from the UK and take Gordy with them.

  9. Tibet? What happened there? I only remember official reports from the Chinese government that some guy crawled under a tank on his own free will to clean the underside of it......yeah thats what happened.  

  10. Tibet is histrical part of China.

    White peoples should take lessons of  the Chinese history OR being kicked out of USA!

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