
China puts a body double to lip sync a song in the opening ceremonies, they promised unrestricted press?

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access but then beat a British news crew for covering a protest about Tibet, are these just some of the many examples of the illusion that China

wants us to swallow?




  1. Sure.

    Why not?

    In getting the best out of the two little ones.

    In making the Olympic a success for them too in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  2. You didn't really expect a totalitarian government to actually keep it's promises, now did you?

  3. The body double is just bad taste and cynical, but seriously, do we all think people in the West are not shallow.  In America, we have kiddy pagents, pre-teen s*x, and breast augmentation as birthday's gift.  We have young children suffered selfish esteem issue. Watch Kira Davis :  

    Ask any Asian kids, if someone ever call them a slanty-eyes or c***k?

    So pleases.....

    Anglo/America have always be hostile to the Chinese.  It is deeply rooted in the West.  The British's opium war and government agents doing Christian missionary work.  British colonialism in China.  The Western countries trying divide and contain China, so I think they ever reason to boot the British news crew out of the country.  American Chinese exclusion Act, Japanese internment, and suspicion of all Asian people.  

    The British have yet to return all the treasure they looted from China's summer palace, so they have yet to earn the respect in China.  History is hardly forgotten.  There is still a sign of a former British controlled park in Shanghai that said, "No Dogs.  No Chinese", just to remind people how comtemptuous the British were and maybe, still are.

    In Asian countries, there is a deep feeling and ties to the "Motherland".  If your country is being disrespect and suffered humiliating defeat under a brutal colonial power in such a manner, it hurts for all of the people there.  It feels like your mother is being disrepected.  There is a collective history that follows us.  As long as people live to tell it, that history will linger deep in the conscience of people.  It is a concept that Western are not too familiar with.

    The Chinese doesn't want you to swallow anything.  They simply presenting their best, despite making some bad decision that even I find it unconstructive.

    It is up to you to decide if you want to foster mutual friend, posivite, provide constructive criticims without humiliation or keep on your constant negativity and fear mongering and judging people by the standard that you fail to live by.

  4. Where have you been ? China hasn't been free for 60 years.

  5. I don't think China is too far from doing anything that any other country would do to host the Olympics. The games aren't about athletes anymore it's about posturing and showing off. They've become a real joke.

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