China stuns the world! So lets forget the abuse then??
Notice how all the TV companies have started praising China now and are completely overlooking the fact that most of the people that were performing in the opening ceremony were doing so without pay or very little of it and most had no choice. Now they have stunned the world with cheap labour and threats to get it perfect are we supposed to just forget their human rights record? It is a very easy thing for a country to make a massive statement when they use virtual slave labour, that's how communists win wars (don't worry about the body count) When you are stepping on the weak its easy to look good. The shame of all of this is that the Chinese are the best immigrants we have, they come to your country, work hard, never complain and you don't see them stabbing and killing us and each other as they have too much self respect and respect for life in general. Its just a shame that their own government thinks its better to show the world how great they are instead of how decent they are "All lipstick and no knickers". SHAME ON THEM, that money could have fed some of their poor or created some decent housing for them. Still as long as the World can see how great they are, that's OK.