
China - the New Clean Energy Superpower?

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According to,

China has already overtaken Germany as the biggest producer of renewable energy. This is in large part down to China's huge installed hydroelectric capacity, but it is also making rapid progress in newer renewable energy technologies with the country second only to Japan in terms of solar panel production. It is also set to become the largest exporter of wind turbines by 2009.

"China's current trajectory will ensure it remains a strategic global hub for low carbon investment, innovation and growth over coming decades," added Howard.

What do you think?




  1. China is building coal power plants as fast as they can.

    Germany is building coal power plants as fast as they can.

    I'd hardly call either country a clean energy superpower (or even all that concerned about clean energy).  I will concede that the Chinese have a better excuse for building coal power plants than the Germans do (although to be fair the German public is starting to turn against the Greens that are causing all the new coal power plant construction) but it doesn't make their coal clean (or their coal mines safe).

    Renewable energy is just a political term to refer to token clean power sources that prevent fossil fuels from actually being replaced.  What we need is not renewable but clean and right now the leader in clean energy is France.

  2. the only truly clean energy producing method is nuclear...france has more per capita than anywhere else, but why haven't we had any new ones in the US for so long???  Why it is our friends in the enviro/greenie movements, the Sierra Club, the wilderness society, and all the other bleeding heart liberal animal and plant lovers....and their supporters on the liberal courts.  China is trying to do the best they can with what they should the rest of us...

  3. "just a few years away"

    China:  1 Billion People

    Germany:  82 Million (less than 0.1 billion)

    Germany:  10 times as much renewable energy per person.  

    China has lots of coal.  It would be tempting to burn it.  

  4. total c**p

    i got a mate who goes there for the buying of stock he says its like going back in time they have people walking round in face masks because of the pollution the hydro dams have flooded miles of farm land and if the farmers dont move they are shot

    the solar panels are for export like the wind turbines

    we in the west are only permitted to see the nice part of china

    talk to anyone that has escaped there country

    only allowed one child if they have a daughter they abanden her or even kill her

    i think some of the top brass are related to hitler

  5. Another attempt to put China in a better light, for the purposes of distorting the truth on this heinous government.

    Site is Supported by: DEFRA and THE CARBON TRUST.  All of the stories are based on Corporate interests/development and EVERY story on China is putting everything but a HALO & WINGS on these monsters.  People need to be aware of the sites they are viewing.  Don't believe everything you read just because the site SAYS it's for Green.  I'm all for optimism, but when they have soundbytes that are devoid of the present conditions in China, you've got to hear an alarm telling you there is something defintely WRONG!  Their citizens and tourists sucking in what is tantamount to (3) packs of cigs a day...Everyone should try to see through the props & be very skeptical.  

    For example, Just watch the commercials from the Petrol Companies, as if they REALLY care about us and being "Environmental".  More propaganda and subliminal messages, too bad it works on some people.

  6. It won't matter for many years, cause with all this clean energy they are still the most polluted country on the planet.

  7. Lol!  The same reason that China's uses slave labor, forces a one-child policy, has no human rights, labor rights, and quality control standards, and doesn't care about killing people with it's horrible pollution is why it's a superpower!  Isn't it really strange that people who supposedly care about the environment and "man-made global warming" is always making excuses for one of the worst polluters in the world?  I guess they get to decide which "carbon footprint" is an "emergency" and which is not.

  8. I think you are full of it.

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