
China will rule the world!?

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Did you watch Primetime the other night regarding China and it's influence with Brazil, US, Africa you think China will eventually be more powerful than the US? Do you agree that they're making some very wise business decisions at the moment (win-win for them as they help re-build Africa etc...) What are your thoughts.....




  1. China is definitely on the way up and the USA on the way down..

    But they will not rule the world.

  2. Its a possibility. China basically loans everyone funds and they get business deals.

  3. No, not until they change their human rights policies.  They may dictate the economy though.

  4. I doubt it.

    I remember back in the late 70s and through the 80s when Japan was making its industrial boom people were saying the same thing about them. That they were going to take over the world without firing a shot. Didnt happen.  

  5. No, Harry Secombe will rule the world, and when he does, every day will be the first day of spring....

    But seriously, China may well become more powerful and important than the US in the coming decades, because history shows us that countries, empires and civilisations rise and fall, and ebb and flow: consider ancient Greece, Rome, the Ottoman Empire, and the British Empire - each the unassailable, hegemonic political and economic power of their age, and all now gone the way of the dodo.

    Take a look at 'Decline of the West' by Oswald Spengler. NOTHING lasts forever.....

  6. The only interest that the Chinese have right now is manufacturing goods.  It will take an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT of time for most of China to have middle class homes.  I don't think it's feasible at all.

    The US and European demand for goods is slowing and China's economy will slow down as well.

  7. >do you think China will eventually be more powerful than the US?

    Yes, but I don't think they'll ever rule the world.

  8. China is today where America was in the 1930s. The industrial revolution was in full force. Factories were spewing up and producing like there is no tomorrow. Pollution was rampant. The air stunk, water pollution was a big issue, and manufacturing jobs were available everywhere. Factories couldn't produce enough. Working conditions were dismal.

    This is where china is today. And yes, China could very well be the most powerful country 20 to 40 years from now.

    America will be come the India of today, Middle class disappearing. Large corporations growing ever larger and more powerful. The rich getting richer while the poor people get poorer. And of course the problems associated with large numbers of people in poverty will grow. Namely unaffordable healthcare and higher education costs, increased crime, fewer quality jobs. Mainly low-quality low paying Walmart-type or McDonalds type service-oriented jobs will be available for many people.

  9. My thoughts are that it is Europe and America that are obsessed with ruling the world, you know, the people who spent hundreds of years conquering it and regard it as their right to conquer countries anywhere they please. The Chinese have virtually never tried to rule anywhere outside the traditional borders of China in their thousands of years of existence. So you're framing your question about China in a way that implies they share the western colonial desire to rule the world, no, they don't.

    The Chinese are making very pragmatic efforts to ensure their access to resources and raw materials by cultivating business relations around the world, but again, they do not share the western obsession with establishing puppet governments, spreading their way of life, or the other endless meddling the colonial powers engage it.

    So China may very well  become the world's wealthiest and most productive country, but what else is new? Throughout history China has often been the world's wealthiest and most productive country, far more often than any other country. Yet they never showed any inclination to rule the world then and there is no reason to believe they plan to rule the world now.

  10. If they can make Chinese take out more affordable, then they get my vote.

  11. Judging by their brilliant opening of the olympic games nothing woud surprise me now

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