
Chinchilla's and Rabbits?

by  |  earlier

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Is it allright to put them together in the same cage? Or will they fight.. Oh and also the Rabbit is from the wild, and it already is used to rabbit food from the store and carrots and human food that they're allowed to eat, so it is like a pet store rabbit, but we have no other cage to put it in, is it allright to put it in with the chinchilla?

Thanks !




  1. Definately not safe. 1. They require different diets. Rabbits need fresh fruits and vegetables,chinchillas cannot have them. Chinchillas need a lot of room (tall cages) to jump up. Rabbits need wide cages,more than tall.  Rabbits back legs are very powerful,one kick can kill a chinchilla easily. Don't put them together.

  2. cute!

  3. I would keep them separately.

  4. No, of course not!

    Both species need totally different care. Even if they didn't harm eachother, it would be impossible to house them together without one not getting th proper nutrition, space, or rest! They eat completely different things, need completely different cages, and are even awake during different hours. Regardless, you need to buy a second cage because a rabbit cage cannot be a chinchilla cage.

    That aside, they also have different ways of commmunication. They have different body language, and so what may be friendly languase to a rabbit, is threatening fight language to a chin! Not to mention that a rabbit'sswift kick, even in play, can kill or seriously injure smaller animals, or those unable to "read" the rabbit.

    Keep them seperately.

  5. well it not about the species of the animal.

    cats and dogs can get along.

    its all about how well your rabbit gets along with other animals or how well you chin gets along with other animal.

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