
Chinchilla cage kit- any help?

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I was looking at chin cages and then I saw this starter kit. It was called "All Living Things Chinchilla starter kit" Has anybody bought one? Please only answer if you've bought it. I'd really like to get it all in one easy package, but is it a good choice?




  1. Chinnys get depressed very easily without their daily get out so the more jumping space they've got the better, that means the bigger the better, they're not like rabbits. They may be the same size and furry but oh the speed, height, and be prepared and chewing. I'd actually suggest you get a joiner in and custom make one floor to ceiling as that was eventually what I had to do anyway having tried various combinations of cages, sandbaths, branches etc.

    They are not the easiest of pets and require good handling skills due to speed and hiding skills, no hole is too small for them.

    2 of the same s*x is the minimum as its too lonely for a single chinnny and of course as you'll know they're nocturnal so you can't play with them in the daytime, so they need a pal.

    Think the space out well and make it stimulating and interesting for them as they are real smart wee guys and need constant environment changes.

    Hope this helps before you get them.  

  2. I don't have it, but I googled it out of interest and I'd say that cage looks WAY too small. Chinchillas need a lot of jumping around space, and that cage offers very little/no room to move.

    This is the sort of cage I'd sell to a customer where I'd work, for a chinchilla (or two)-

    This one is also suitable-


    Actually, we use the mesh cage floor at work, for chinchillas, and they've never suffered any foot problems, and they are checked daily for issues. However, the cage I linked to can also be moved so it has a solid base- so the tray can be under OR over the mesh, and we use the solid option for the degus, and the mesh for the chinchillas, with no issue.


    You will also find most store bought cages come with a water bottle, a dish (even if it is plastic) and sometimes other 'freebies'.

  3. im selling my 2 chinchilla cages on ebay if your interested!!

  4. I have not purchased one, but I do work where they sell them.  Yeah, that's one of Petsmart's brands.  It's WAY too small in my opinion.  Chinchillas are extremely active and that cage just isn't big enough for their activity level.  

    You are better off with a tall mulit-level cage.  You will find them more in the ferret section, but avoid the ones with alot of tubes.  Here's one I found on their website that would be good for a chinchilla.

    That's actually one of the more expensive ones, there are many out there to pick from.

    I know it's not a starter kit like you were asking for, but overall, it will be better for your pet.

  5. well i haven't bought it but my friend has and she says it works great and she says that the only thing that you need to get is shavings for ur chinchilla

  6. well the wire on the bottom isn't optimal for chins it may cause soars and it's rather uncomfortable for them slipping there lil hands and feet through the wire also there is a chance they can catch their lil bones and break. as they are FRAGILE i know from a traggic experience :(

    however they like to be in packs so i'd get him a friend in that case you'd want a bigger cage

    my chins use a couple cages,  heres one they like at affordable price

    i saw it at petco for $129

    i have two cages a bigger one that i hook up together and they don't complain.

    it's plastic is a lil flimsey but if they are exercersided daily they won't chew the plastic.

    you may be able to take the wire off bottom from the cage if you'd like to take that chance but i'd spend the extra $30-40 for a decent cage (my bunnies are in a temp cage i took the wire bottom out of) i think a retired chin might like that cage or maybe a rescued chin from the animal shelter that needs quiet nice home other then that i'd spend the extra money and get a better one for that price.

    this is an awsome cage here for  a couple chins  a little too spendy?? theres more options

    put some wood in it branches stuff like that and they will LOVE to chew on it. it's awsome cause it has a easy clean up roll out tray and  wheels  i would just buy a huge and spare your self the little cages get two chins that has got plenty of room for them to jump around in to keep them ubber happy.

    don't forget about dust bath type that in on google and you can find one on the net for like $5-11 dollars as opposed to petco or petsmart for $20 but when you figure the cost of a shipping go figure

    other then that if you want to rescue a chin a that needs a good home i'm sure that cage is fine for an elder chin or nice cage to have on hand if this won't be your only lil critter. they are addictive

    btw don't buy your chin from a pet store find a local breeder using google, they will overcharge you WAY to much like 169 for a standard grey with the risk of behavior and gentic disorders is highly likely cause those are breed for money only :(

    these guys are great example of good breeders and they have an excellent wheel just for chins if you'd like to call them they're number is posted wrong its (760) 726-6356 for questions

    use carefresh beddding only and no woodshavings those cause soars and respitory issues plus using only carefresh bedding soaks up the horrid smell of chins really well!

    have fun chins cute lil pets

  7. I do not know if we are talking about the same thing, but if we are, it would not work. This right?

    It is not an appropriate cage for chinchillas. The cage must have a solid floor. No cages with floors that have mesh on it. This might be easier to clean, but poses risk of foot injury to the chins. Solid floored cages only.

    And all the kit comes with is a water bottle, dish, carefresh, a book on chin care, and food. I do not know what kind of food it is, but it is always best to purchase food individually. These sort of kits often stick products that the company made, even if they might not be the best.

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