
Chinchilla help?

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hey everyone my chinchilla, Chilli, had gotten into a fight with her cage mate. i seperated them right away and checked both of them. neither of them had shown any scratches or anything. 2 days later i checked them again and chilli had 2 small bumps on either side of her cheek. on one side i saw 2 tiny holes. i called a vet right away and they said it was just a small cut.i did some more research on cuts and stuff, and couldnt find anything helpfull.i even did a search on fungus and i knew right away that wasnt i put some neosporin like the vet suggested.3days later(today)i checked her and touched around her cheek and felt that the bump was bigger.i looked closer at it and i saw what looked like pus.i showed my husband and he thought the same thing.i would take her to the vet right away but where i am is to late in the night for anything to be opened.we're taking her first thing in the morning but i would like to know if any one knows what it might be, and what i can do til then




  1. well good thing you got them away from each other before anything happened one of mine killed the other =[ i was too late to save him... well i think it is infected my still living chinchilla had a scratch up her leg and it got infected and the vet had me put this special medicine on it.

  2. I am not sure, but the cut/bite might be infected? I hope it turns out okay. :(
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