
Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian, french!?

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i am trying to get into the travel industry, i left school in december and yes i have no job. i know, bad. but i have always wanted to be in that industry and after months of trying new things i still want to do it, so i am. even if a lanuage doesnt help me i have always been okay at picking them up, i would prefer something not too hard, but i need your help. can you guys answer me from EXPERIENCE what language in your opinion is best to study and learn fluently?

p.s ignore the languages above they are just words haha. please help! this is greatly appreciated. thanks guys!!




  1. well, it depend on which nationalities mostly visited your country. but in general the Japanese and the Chinese are the top traveller around the world and lately followed by the Korean. So I think it would be very worthed for you to study either Chinese, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean. Tourists from these countries are rarely speaks English, they have huge problem with pronounciation. But on the other hand you would also find difficulties in learning these languages. Especially the Chinese and mandarin, because different tones of saying a word would lead into a diffrent meaning. At  the moment, Russian tourists are also growing tough not so significant, Studying Russian language might add a benefit to you.

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