
Chinese FORBIDDEN RICE porridge.....PORRIDGE?

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okay so i was wondering if chinese forbidden rice porridge is fattening. and is it good to eat on a diet? thanx




  1. Well the "porridge" or congee your talking about is not fattening, it dpends on the additional things you add, I get it on cold days here in Toronto Canad when I go to my Chinatown area, I like one with veg, green onions, the bao a fritter snipped on top, and a bit of sesame seed oil, I actualy buy packaged ones from the one Vietnamese grocery in the area in packets.

    Rice while abit high in carbs, low in the sugars that play tricks with your system amd like North American oatmeal it gives you quick energy and sustain food energy for a less bogged down feeling.

  2. It sounds like Congee.

    Congee by itself is not fattening. It contains very little rice, and you feel full after eating just one bowl.

    You can also have congee everyday and not get tired of it, because you can vary the toppings.

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