
Chinese Gymnasts- what do you think?

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Do you think the Chinese gymnasts were all sixteen or older? They did look a little young to me- and it's an awful big coincidence that their ages were previously listed as too young. What do you think? Are they really 16+?




  1. People will think what they want.  Based on a recent article, I don't think at least three are old enough to compete.

    "As recently as December 2007, in provincial gymnastics meets and news reports that covered it, she was a 13-year-old prodigy, too young for the 16-year-old Olympic age limit for gymnastics.

    Then, suddenly, she wasn’t

    Earlier this year China produced her passport that claimed she was born Jan. 1, 1992, making her old enough to perform a brilliant uneven bar routine and push China to the women’s all around gold medal.

    The birth date of  Yang Yilin was listed on official national registration lists posted by the General Administration of Sport of China website from 2004-2006 as a too-young Aug. 26, 1993, according to the AP.

    On her passport her birth date is Aug. 26, 1992.

    Jiang Yuyuan’s birthday was Oct. 1, 1993 as recently as a registration list for a 2007 competition. According to her passport she was born Nov. 1, 1991."

  2. They're not sixteen or older.  If you look at their ages for competitions from past years, they're listed at the same age as they are listed this year.  They're all too young and in my opinion their medals should be taken away.  The US has a lot of great gymnasts who are underage too, and they're not trying to sneak them into the Olympics just so they have a better chance.  Why should the Chinese?

  3. not all teams were 16+ you could be 15 as long as your birthdate is on the same year like the romainins

  4. Sure.  Are all US gold medal winners 16+?  Free of drugs?  Not members of the Mafia?  Not aliens from outer space?

    Accusations can get fun.

  5. I think they are younger, but it doesn't matter to me. I'm not the one that has to live with it. =)

  6. of course not, the chinese govnt are nothing but a bunch or commies who want to rule the world and will do anything to appear that way

    one of those girls was listed at being 13 yrs old back in november and now all of a sudden she's 16? yea right!

  7. well, there age were not priviously listed as too young, i can prove to you, but as an american, i d rather starting whining, hey watch me whine on youtube. I think any fellow american will agree with me that we LOVE whining!!!

  8. I dont think they are 16+

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