
Chinese Hamster.....

by  |  earlier

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I just purchased a chinese hamster from the pet shop (i know i shouldnt have got it from there but he was the sweetest thing ever!),

They told me that they didn't have any chinese left and only russians, however as i looked into the cage i saw the distinctive tail, and body of a chinese.

They told me he was a "freaky, ugly horrible little thing", they then told me to pair him up with a syrian hamster, i obviously refused that. I later examined him and saw that his toes on his right back leg were missing, and that his paws were red and swollen.

Do i have a right to complain about this ill treatment, and that he was being kept with russsian hamsters.

He is a very trusting animal, I've only had him for a couple of hours and he is already sleeping in my hands!




  1. I think that you should complain because he should not be kept with syrians or russian hamsters or any hamsters as a matter of fact but i think you should take him to the vet as well to see if their is any damage but still keep him as he really trusts you. Was he abused when he was in the pet shop because if he has maybe that could have explained his injurys. All the best hope he gets better soon.

  2. yes if he was porley you can take him back and get a efund which you seem not to want to or you can ask someone for a custmer complaint form and then post it of to higher authorities to deal with

  3. I think that since your pet is already comfortable with you and is sleeping in your hands I'd be keeping it, if you return him you'll hurt him even more.

    I'd recommend going back into the shop and asking to see whoever handles the animals and talking to them about what you've found, if they give you a decent answer leave it. If they're obtrusive contact the RSPCA as soon as possible for an inspection of the premises.

    As for treating the swell in it's paws i'd give him a flat surface to walk on instead of a normal wired cage to see if it helps to reduce the redness and swelling, i'm no expert but that would be the way i'd go about it at first and if the problem persists contact your vet.

    Enfact, I've thought about this case over night and you really should try and contact a vet ASAP just to get the poor little Hammy checked out, I really hope he gets  better soon :D
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