
Chinese Muslims see torch parade as China staking claim to rule nearby Tibet: will they riot & sabotage today?

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0 LIKES UnLike - KASHGAR, China - Hundreds of security personnel lined the streets to head off any disruption as the Olympic torch relay resumed Wednesday in western China's restive Muslim region of Xinjiang.

Black-gloved security agents jogged alongside the torch as it wound through the streets of Kashgar, an ancient Silk Road city near the borders with Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Foreign journalists were not allowed along the route, where cheering bystanders shouted "Go China!" under sunny skies.

Also Wednesday, Olympic torch relay organizers said the flame will make a one-day stop in Tibet's capital of Lhasa on Saturday.

That leg has been shrouded in secrecy because of political sensitivities surrounding Tibet. The route has been criticized by Tibet activist groups who see it as an attempt by Beijing to symbolize its control over the Himalayan region.

China says it has ruled Tibet for centuries

Tibetans are fiercely independent: trouble brewed @ March




  1. China has a firm hand for now but disturbances among the 1 million Chinese Muslims have been brewing for some time and when rioting does break out, I suspect the violence will be a good deal worse than the Tibetan outbreaks

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