
Chinese Soldiers Olympic ceremony techniques?

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I'm not a big fan of the Communist country but I was surprised on how sharp and attention to detail synchronization the Chinese soldiers had in the Olympic ceremony. It was like they were robots and the timing were unbelievable from every movement.

I've seen many videos from the US Marines, ARMY and Navy ceremony videos and they weren't that sharp as the Chinese. Can anyone show me a video to prove me wrong?




  1. you think they chose just any soldiers to be in the opening ceremonies? yea i definitely agree that their moves were flawless but they were probably the equivalents of our Guards of the Tomb of the Unknowns, who's timing is also never off and they do it all day and all night. those chinese soldiers had been practicing that one flag folding for months before to get it to look as perfect as they made it.  

  2. "Robots" is your key word;

    US Servicemembers are volunteers, not conscripts forced to serve a government and way of life they largely hate.

    Sorry, but sharp goose stepping went out with the n**i's. Just ask the Soviets-they marched in a 'snappy' manner too.

  3. that was the greatest opening ceromony i have seen in my life

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