Chinese Women Golf close in on nudity to attract audience for the sport
The prevalent issue of dress code in ladies golf around the world has churned up more controversial dust in recent past than many of the more deserving aspects of the sport. The golfers, both on Ladies Professional Golf Association as well as the Ladies
European Tour are randomly seen wearing shorter and slinkier skorts and skirts than before.
Not many male fans of the sport would have any objection to the frequent violations of the dress code, but many critics have called out for a reasonable regulations enforcement by the professional golf clubs on the blatant violations.
The Chinese golf authorities, however, have taken a completely new route to the previously established dress code. Young Chinese golfers are often seen wearing short skirts, often more than six inches above the knees as well as bikinis and backless shirts.
One of the tournaments went so far as to organizing a beauty contest at the end of the tournament. But these violations, although many do not regard them as violations, are not a player’s personal choice alone but are fully supported by the Chinese officials
who are encouraging the players to show their “beautiful side” by selecting colourful and bright apparels. The shorter they are, the better it is.
"Women's golf is not all about competition. It's also about fresh air, beautiful scenes and the young and dynamic girls," China Golf Association vice president Wang Liwei was quoted as saying. "Young players should try wearing shirts and skirts with bright
The issue was brought back to the limelight after the pictures of barely clad Chinese players appeared on internet after the Beijing Renji Challenge last week. Wang vociferously defends the move and considers it important for the publicity of the sport in
the country. The China Daily also reported that this week’s Oriental Pearl Challenge will roll out a new “Most Beautiful Award” to one of the selected participants of the tournament.
"Whether you win or lose, you should show your confident and beautiful side in front of the media. Lots of Chinese players lower their heads when the limelight is turned to them." Wang added.
Michelle Wie’s tank top in Fields Open, 2008 caused huge uproar when many of the critics called the world number one’s reckless dressing, disrespect for the sport. Later the LET introduced newer and scantier dresses for the players with backless and sleeveless
shirts and shorter skorts.
Whether this would be the right way to gain publicity and attract audience for the sport, the attempt will leave serious degradation of the credibility of the sport which has long been called as the “Gentleman’s sport”.
The men’s form of sport follows strict regulations where the players are not allowed to wear anything but trousers and khakis and collared shirts backed up with specific headgear. Ladies golf, since its inception, has struggled to formulate a unanimously
agreed upon dress code and is still battering to achieve the same.