
Chinese Zodiac question?

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I went to a Chinese restaurant awhile back. And my place-mat had a Chinese Zodiac chart. It gave information about my sign, and for the most part is was accurate for me and everyone at the table. One thing worried me though; It said that Dragons and Dogs should avoid each other. I looked online to to find out why exactly they should avoid each other... I never found a reason, just them saying to avoid one another.

I'm a dragon and my boyfriend for over a year is a dog. We're really happy together. And even though I know its just Zodiac stuff, and shouldn't be taken too seriously... I'm just insanely curious. Why should Dogs and Dragons avoid each other?




  1. All types of astrology are based on date of birth, which no one has control over. This make it natural concept that is naturally biased and stereotyping. Chinese is not based on constellations, just the calendar. Free will has always made astrology pointless.



    Dragon would feel 'crowded' by the Dog or the Dog may feel protection for the Dragon is necessary where the Dragon will not see it this way and will get annoyed easily....

    I have never found anything beyong that about the compatibility of the Dog and Dragon...I think it just depends on the people and how they figure out how to deal with each other for I am sure they can find common ground and work things out as to not get on each others nerves...Oh and the Dragon may feel a little held back ny the Dog. The link I left for you is my favorite link so that is why I left can find just have to know where to look....

    Hope this helps.

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