
Chinese adoption?

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I have wanted to adopt a baby girl from China for a few years now. I am only 19, but plan to do it later in life when I am married, and maybe have a couple of kids of my own. I was just wondering, has anyone else her adopted a baby girl from China? I know the rules are strict, and it can sometims be expensive, but I am determined to do it.




  1. Hopefully China will pull it's socks up by then and do away with charging extortionate and unaffordable license fees for people who have a child.  Being unable to afford the license fee for having a child and/or the fine for having a child without one is a major cause of women having to let their babies go or, worse still selling them.

    Contary to popular belief, if families in China want to have more than one child, they can.  But only if they are wealthy enough to pay the fine for doing so.

    The system is causing poor people without the resources for the fines and the child license in the first place to lose their babies.   Most don't have a choice.  Why would you want to feed that kind of system - pay the license fee for a family, then you REALLY would be a savior.  

    Do you really want to be a part of that inhumane system

  2. Ok so i think adopting a baby is great! i was adopted when I was a kid. But why China?!?! I dont want to be the ***** here but are there not enough kids in your own country that need a home before you start adopting from another country?

    Lets me realistic, why pay to adopt a child when you can get one for free here....well atleast in canada you can!! think about it

  3. You have to be atleast 30 and have a healthy body weight. Dont EVER get arrested no matter how trivial or stupid it is it will have a negative affect. China is one of the cheaper countries to adopt from but still ATLEAST 20k. Make sure you future husband is open to adoption, and make sure your stable and healthy!

  4. You will not be able to adopt in China for at least a decade and laws will probably change by then.  Before you set your mind on adopting a baby from another country, consider:

    - most babies in international adoption are SOLD -- do you want to contribute to organized crime?

    - almost none of them are orphans - that means you would be taking a child who will never know its parents, siblings, etc. and will always wonder about them.

    - you are robbing a child of its country and culture as well as its relatives, and that is an emotional conflict for the rest of their lives.

    A number of countries are abolishing international adoption, & I think it is wise.  China could well become one of them.

  5. I have a biological son, and I have adopted a learning disabled daughter from Russia, and a healthy daughter from China. It is disturbing to me to see some of the misinformation and prejudice in some of the answers posted in reply to your question. Adopting a child internationally most certainly is not child trafficking, and is not contributing to organized crime. It is an act of love, and there are many reputable organizations that can assist you. The criteria that you have to meet will vary from one country to another, and will also vary in time. It can be fairly expensive, but the expense is manageable and there are financial assistance programs available, and adoption loans with flexible reimbursement plans, and these programs will probably improve as you get older. It is a beautiful, wonderful experience. There is an ancient chinese belief that says that 'An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.' Perhaps you are feeling the pull of the invisible red thread that is connecting you to a future chinese baby that is destined to be your child, and I encourage you with all of my heart to follow your dream when the time is right.

  6. A great resource book for people interested in International Adoption is "How to Adopt Internationally."  Just bear in mind that international adoption laws change all the time, so what you are reading now will probably be different by the time you are old enough to adopt.

    International adoption is not "baby selling" or "child stealing" if it is done legally and ethically.  I've made many posts about the need for PAPs adopting internationally to really do their homework because there are some very unscrupuluous "agencies" out there.

  7. my mother and father in law have adopted one girl from China and just finished the process of adopting another they just wait. And wait they will! First off, the rules ARE very strick. First off, you have to be at least 30, and not older then 50. If you are married, your ages can't add up to be older then 100. You have to have a THURO backround check, at your expense. Parents must have at least a high school diploma. If you DO have children, they prefer that you don't have more then 4 minor children in the home. If you are married and its your first marriage, you have to have been married at least 2 years.Your BMI (Body Mass INdex) can not be over 40..which means you can't be over weight. You need to make at least 30,000 plus another $10,000 for every child living in the home and have a net worth of 80,000. You have to have a few home studies and a home inspection. After you finish all of the studies, reviewing of paper work, and back round checks (which can sometimes take anywhere from 6-12 months) and they aprove you, then it takes about another 2 years to get the child. Like i said, my in laws just finished up in December, and they are most likely to get one next december my mother in law told me. Keep in mind the cost of around $15,000. You may be qualified for a Tax credit, but I guess my mother in law said thats how much it cost them. That is a $5,000 jump from the last baby they adopted 9 years ago. This is not including all of the travel expenses. She went alone last time (she is taking my father in law with her this time) and took around $2000 for any cab rides, bus rides, food, little extras here and there, etc. She said she used a lot of it, but she is really good with her money. She had to stay I think she said 10 days. But, like you, she is a VERY determined person about adopting and saving the little girls of China. So to her, the money and the hassel is no object to her:) Hope this helped

  8. There is not as much need for healthy baby girls to be adopted from China anymore.  You might want to look into special needs adoption through China if your heart is set on China.

    You will be waiting until you are 30 though, and by then China may have changed drastically, leaving no need for international adoption.

    And sometimes expensive is wrong.  It is always at least 20,000  dollars to adopt from China.  In 11 years, yeah it could be two or even three times that.

  9. Always expensive.. Look at between 30 and 50 thousand dollars.. And some agencies are strict.. Some say you have to make a certain income, you have to have a physical, you can't have more than one or two other children in the home etc..and it's only getting more and more restrictive.

  10. can i ask why china?, and dont just got o Africa because the kids are starving, they are starving everywhere, adopt a baby here in the US or latin America or Canada, but i suggest you look up which country is the easiest to adopt in

  11. The majority of the baby’s adopted out of china are girls who have been abandoned by their birthparents and have been living in orphanages since their abandonment  

    Due to Chinas criteria you and your spouse have to be 30 in order to adopt, there is a bunch of other criteria too and who knows in 11+ years it might change. However if come 11+ years you and your husband  want to adopt from China and you meet their criteria go for it.

    I know a couple that adopted 2 girls from China(2003 and 2007), they were lucky that they got grandfathered with the old criteria. Had they had to gone with the new stuff they wouldn’t have been able to adopt.
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