
Chinese fortune cookie?

by  |  earlier

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my dad got a fortune and it said "you are the greatest in the world". has anyone got this one before because my theory is chinese people make thousands of these, circulate them throughout many cookies so people will feel good about themselves and want to celebrate with more chinese food.

more proof of these repeats is tonight i had chinese food and my bro had a fortune with the same one as my mom.




  1. no, the fortune is spontaneously formed at the moment the cookie is chosen, creating an insightful personal message just for that person.  Your mom must have touched your brother's cookie first, or vice versa, to get the same fortune.

  2. First of all, the fortune cookies have nothing to do with Chinese people in the rest of the world.  Fortune cookies are only an american silliness and they are made in the factories in this country.  If people don't  like to eat Chinese food, then anymore of these stupid fortune cookies won't change that.

  3. After awhile the fortune cookie makers probably run out of original stuff so they start repeating it all.

  4. many repeats its like they do a bunch of one saying  put them in the cookie then move on to the next.

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