
Chipped the four front teeth.?

by  |  earlier

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My brother chipped his four front teeth riding BMX. Now chipped is and understatement... half of the teeth are gone! I'm not sure if he hit the nerve, but its a tremendous chuck of tooth missing, and that goes for his 4 front teeth. In his situation, what do you think the dentist are going to do? (he was doing a back flip when he hit his chin. thank god he didn't break his nose too...or anything like that) but its still pretty bad. He also has the pieces from his teeth that chipped off. Are those any good? We put them in i dont know if that does anything, hopefully reserves them so they don't die??!




  1. Okay here is exactly what the dentist do. First they drill down the teeth to where they can fit the temperary crown on. once thats done they stick these orange sticks up the nerve hole but dont worry they suck the nerve out first, they keep the sticks in for 5 seconds then take them out then they mix some sort of glue and pavement together to form the serum to hold the temperary cap on you have to wait until the something get closed up then they will put the real crown on.

  2. The milk thing is only good if the whole tooth got knocked out.  It doesn't work if the teeth are broken off.

    He'll have to have caps/crowns put on.

  3. save the pieces, sometimes they can bond it back on like glue it on BUT DON"T DO IT YOUR SELF! go to the dentist ASAP!!!

  4. if they are able to save them they will capped them once they are broken you can't put them back if they can't save the teeth then he will have to get them pulled out and get implants or a mouth piece to look like he has teeth sort of like dentures.

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