
ChlorOxygen.... is it good?

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I've been taking ChlorOxygen because I was told it would cleanse/detox my body (I have a lump in my breast, not sure if it's cancerous or not), but I've been taking it in small doses than it says to (it says take 18 to 36 drops twice a day, but I take only 9 drops once a day). I'm always hesitant when it comes to supplements because it seems like most of it cures symptoms rather than curing the disease or illness that causes the symptoms. Does anyone feel like is the same thing I'm describing above? If I increase my doses is it going to make me feel bad when I don't take it (sorta like conventional medicine)? Has anyone had good experiences with this stuff? Or is it bad?




  1. If you have a breast lump, please get it checked out by a qualified professional, and possibly a mammgram.

    ChlorOxygen is a product designed to cleanse your wallet of money, not your body of "toxins".  It is completely useless.

  2. It works great!  I have been taking it for the last 4 weeks and I have noticed a difference.  I also have started a running program 6 weeks ago and I have noticed an increase in my stamina and breathing has not been labored.  It was highly recommended by a worker at Wholefoods, who was drinking it when he recommended it.

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