
Chlorine & my senegal parrot?

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I decided to show my senegal to my friends at the end of my swim practice. It's an outdoor pool so I brought my senegal into a small room with my friends for about 2 minutes. i had the door shut but then I noticed the smell of chlorine so I brought her home. Was this a terrible idea? She's acting fine now, but I don't want anything bad to happen.




  1. Birds have complicated respiratory systems. You were right to get out of there. I'm sure she is fine.

    there are a lot of issues with doing something like that. First; did you have her on a harness?

    birds have ingrained in them to do protect themselves when startled by flying. (fight or flight)  Because it's an outdoor pool the bird could have flown up in a tree.

    the odor of the pool was outside which helped.

    I would suggest inviting your friends over for a meet and greet in a more familair setting for you pet.

  2. As long as your bird was not IN the water she is fine.

    You sound like a good parront too for being concerned!

  3. It's fine.. even if she'd gone in the water as long as it wasn't for like an hour, she'd be fine.

    In fact - a lot of micro-organism infections can be treated by adding a drop of bleach to birds' drinking water without detriment to their health.

  4. You're a pretty good parrot owner for being that sensitive to your bird. Good job :) And as far as my extensive parrot knowledge goes, I've not heard about chlorine being toxic to parrots if inhaled -- however, all parrot owners recommend fresh (bottled) or boiled (and cooled later!) water for their parrots as ordinary tap water contains chlorine. So if your parrot didn't ingest the chlorine, he's almost certainly alright; even ingesting chlorine in >small amounts< is not dangerous (when parrots bathe, they do so in tap water, so it's okay). But parrots are sensitive to chemical fumes because they have sensitive respiratory system, so you did the right thing by bringing your parrot home when you smelled the chlorine.

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