
Chocolate Chip Cookie Problem?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. Me and my best friend are making chocolate cookies today and they need to get done ASAP. Except, we have a little problem. The recipe requires two eggs, and we are completely out. We aren't allowed out of the house, so it is not possible to go to the store and buy eggs. We were wondering if anyone knew if we could use anything to substitute for the eggs. Eggs are the thing that make the cookies stick together, so if anyone knew anything, we'd appreciate it if you'd share with us. Thanks!




  1. You can go to .com find recipes about cookies.

    They do have recipe that dont have eggs on the cookies just go to the web in foodnetwork.

    Good Luck?

  2. sometimes when you're baking cake, water can be a substitute but cookies are a different consistency so it might suck. go knock on your neighbor's door.

  3. use milk

  4. Well if you can't go to the store and buy eggs, then I guess your only solution is to lay eggs.

    Seriously though, if you have egg substitute that might work. You really do need eggs for cookies though

  5. Sadly, for a good solid cookie, you will need eggs.

  6. call your neighbors and see if they can bring you some

  7. well you can't make Cookie with out eggs

  8. You definitely need eggs. Call the neighbors and ask to borrow some.

  9. I think you really need real egg for cookies, i suppose you could try something like cornflour but I wouldnt risk it. I think one of you need to sneak out the house somehow

    good luck!

  10. I hate to tell you this but I think that without the eggs, your really not going to get a decent cookie. Can't you even just go next door to the neighbors?  

  11. 1/2 a banana = 1 egg.  Mash it really well - and yes, it will taste like banana.

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