
Chocolate and rats.........?

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Is it okay if i use a few chocolate chips as bait in my rat trap? (Its a cage trap so they wont get killed), But i dont want them to get sick from the choclate, but i am desperate for bait. I tried peanut butter and it worked teh first time but th rat escaped and so now im trying peanut butter again and i havnt got a single rat. I also used bacon and hot dogs and that didnt work either......




  1. Chocolate is toxic to all animals. Try fruits and veggies, and if it doesn't work, go to the pet store and get some yogurt drops.

  2. no chocolate!!!

  3. Don't use chocolate! Unless you want to kill them *sad* you should look on and look for rat food recipes. You should try cranberries I heard that works. Tell me if it does!!    

  4. No! Use rat fooooood! Choco will kill them, because it messes with their system.

  5. Small bits (like a choco chip) wont kill them. just dint give them HUGE douses. I gave my rat a choco chip when i got him 1 1/2 years ago and he's still kick-en. maybe only give them like one every 2 weeks just to be safe.

  6. chocolate is toxic to all animals.

    i have two pet rats and i was told not to feed them chocolate,dairy products, citrus, peanut butter, and that they do not eat cheese.

    Try some hard boiled eggs or veggies.

  7. No,Chocolate is very harmful to them.they can get killed.the best is to try some peanut butter and place some others of their favourite food somewhere else in the house.Hope i helped!

  8. Chocolate is fine for rats in small amounts, its actually believed to be good for them to have a chocolate chip every once in a while. I suspect if you tried the bacon and hot dog you aren't going to get this rat in the same trap though. Rats don't often get trapped twice. Plus they urine mark bad places so they don't go back. Your trap probably signals all rats to stay away because its been marked.

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