
Chocolate fudge recipe using milk chocolate?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone have a recipe for chocolate fudge that uses milk chocolate? I think it was in the You magazine, at least about 1993/1994. I did not like it so chucked the recipe away. And for years my daughters have been asking me to make this fudge again. Can someone help, please?




  1. My mother in law often bakes chocolate fudge, I'm not sure if the recipe she has uses milk chocolate but will find out for you, I'll ask get the wife to ask her for it tonight and email it to you tomorrow morning, please remind me towards the end of the day if you're on-line then.

  2. l liter (4 koppies) suiker

    37,5 ml (3eetlepels) kakao

    125 ml (halwe koppie) kondensmelk

    12,5 ml (1 eetlepel) goue stroop

    1 ml (kwart teelepel) kremetart

    2,5 ml (halwe teelepel) sout

    375 ml (een en n' halwekoppie) melk of water

    12,5 ml (1 eetlepel) botter

    5 ml (een teelepel) vanielje geursel

    187 ml (drie kwart koppie) gekapte neute

    Meng al die bestandele behalwe botter, neute en geursel

    Verhit oor stadige hitte tot suiker gesmelt is

    Kook omtrent 10 minute lank sonder om te roer tot n' sagte bal vorm as dit in koue water getoets word (114,5 c of 238 f)

    Voeg botter by en verwyder van vuur/hitte - moet nie roer nie en laat afkoel totdat kastrol op die hand gehou kan word sonder om te brand

    Klop met houtlepel tot dit begin dik word en voeg neute en geursel by

    Gooi dit dadelik in gesmeerde plaatjie uit en sny in blokkies as dit koud is

    Hoop dit help  -  uit Kook en Geniet


    i have no idea if this is the right one, but geez it was 14/15 years ago so just say it was and they must not be tasting it right. haha

  4. Please can you send it to me when you get it. Thanks a mill.

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