
Chocolate on a diet? how did u handle it?

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i am the biggest chocoholic u will ever meet... willy wonka is my dream man (as long as he looks like david beckham hehe) im on a diet and am trying to not fall of the wagon and its going well except i have the worse craving for chocolate. has anyone found ways to stay on a diet and still have some form of chocolate? i tried taking the viactive chocolate chews so im getting "chocolate" and vitamins but they made me sick to my stomach... the only chocolate im having is a slim fast shake in the morning before the gym so i dont pass out on the elliptical.

any tips or help here?

what was ur magic loop hole with chocolate and a diet?




  1. is not your enemy sweety.  It's the lack of exercise that people are fat.  

  2. i like to eat very strict.. i have a sixpack.. and i like to stay lean.. i like chocolate so i usually buy the 70% dark chocolate, or u can even buy the one that is more mild, not as strong.. and i have a few peices of that a day.. a few times a week.. and it has nutrients in there that are good for u!

  3. Hershey's unsweetened cocoa added to fat free vanilla yogurt will be 100% better for you than the stupid slim slow. You should eat 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with one slice of swiss cheese with your yogurt before the gym. You also need an apple or just add strawberries to the yogurt. Have the yogurt whenever you crave chocolate.

  4. Well...I'm on a diet too, but before I started I tryed something else...I bought a block of DARK chocolate. I ate at least 2 pieces a day. (called it the Mello diet lol!) When I had finished the bar...I hadn't gained a kg/lbs O.o?

    So...maybe dark chocolate isn't as bad as normal chocolate?..or maybe my bodys just strange O.o?

    Try it? see what happens? =O...

    Good Luck!~

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