
Chocolate or makeup (for the girls)

by Guest44775  |  earlier

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girls what couldn't u live without chocolate or makeup?.




  1. both! i live on both!!!!!!

  2. choclate!!!!!

  3. chocolate is what boosts my energy when playing on Mario Kart wii :D

  4. make-up cuz I'm allergic to chocolate

  5. I need my sweets..................CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!...

  6. make up.. chocolates make you fattt.

  7. Well I am currently giving up chocolate for 5 months as a £50 bet and it is easy and I don't really use too much make up on a day to day basis because I am a model.  Even when I do catwalks I can live without the make up, but the designers can't!!!!


    I probably couldn't live without make up though

  8. give me make up chocolate make u unhealthy if u eat too much

  9. This is such a hard question!!!!!!!!!! Suppose i'd have to go for make-up cause I never leave the house without wearing it!

  10. i couldnt live without chocolate!

    "chocolate is a girls best friend!"

  11. Makeup

    I think!

    Oh my days i Don't know now!

    its probably doesnt help that im in a really hungry mood loll


  12. definitely makeup, chocolate i could live without, can always have sweets and crisps instead!

  13. MAKE-UP!!

  14. Chocolate!!!!! It's my best friend. only milk chocolate not dark. :p

  15. chocolate anytime!!!!

  16. Chocolate with out a doubt!

  17. D***, that's one of the hardest questions I have answered, but I have to go with makeup.

  18. Chocolate!

  19. makeup fer sure

    can u help with mine

  20. chocolate

  21. CHOCOLATE!! lol  I have truffle Lip Balm And Reese's peanut Butter lipbalm but it comes Nowhere near!

  22. make up, they make chocolate tasting lip barm  HAHA

  23. chocolate! i don't wear makeup too often

  24. definatly chocolate : )

  25. It would have to be make-up. Or chocolate.

    OMG it's like the hardest question ever! I want to chose makeup because I use it all the time, but chocolate is so handy, and delicious!!


  26. make-up - kae-up makes u look gd

    chocolate makes u fat

  27. makeup ;-)

  28. Hi lol well seen as thought I use make up everyday and I dont eat chocolate every day of the week, then I guess I would say I couldnt like without make up, but then it depends if I didnt have to leave the house at all then I would go for the chocolate lol

  29. Chocolate!

  30. C









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