
Choking on water after wisdom tooth extraction?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike mouth is still numbed from all the shots, and it's still bleeding. My lip feels very large and numb and i can't feel the bottom portion of my face. Whenever I try to drink water i choke cause i can't get it into my mouth.

does anyone know when the swelling will go down enough to allow me to drink?




  1. it will probably take about 6 hours i got mine out 3 weeks ago so i feel for you,

    squirt water bottles work best to prevent choking  

  2. how long ago did you get your wisdom teeth out?

  3. This numbing sensation should go within 3-4 hours of extraction. Healing will take some time. Initially for a day or two you will fee pain while chewing so you have to take liquids and soft food. For more information on dos' and don'ts after dental extraction you can visit they even have the facility of free consultation by dentist.

  4. My face for numb for a few hours.... i couldn't drink either, it was horrible. The swelling took a couple weeks to go down.... you will look like a pumpkin head for a while but after a few hours you will at least be able to eat and feel, which isn't necessarily a good thing if you know what i mean.

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