I woke up this morning, just before 4 am, coughing so hard, and not being able to breathe.
It felt like I had to clear my throat, so I did, and with that came an awful burning pain in the back of my throat, with a weird and terrible tasting after taste.
I immediately freaked out thinking I was choking to death and now vomiting blood... but there wasn't any...
I took a puff of my rescue inhaler, 2 tums, and drank a cup of milk... but I still had the yucking tasting, burning feeling in my throat. (At the top, like just after my tongue, so I took a lozenge to numb it out.
This has happened to me before, but I've always assumed it was something to do with smoking.
It hasn't happened for a long time, but since the last time I have quit smoking, so now I'm even more worried.
I know I have to go see my doctor, but it's 4am, and her office is closed, and I will most likely not get an appointment for 2 weeks (d**n doctor shortage). I'm not looking for a diagnosis on here, but maybe someone else has experienced it and can offer some insight.
It's super scary when you can't breathe... and I'm usually a heavy sleeper, so I'm scared that maybe next time it happens I won't be lucky enough to wake up from it....