
Choking pain from Acid Reflux!?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning, just before 4 am, coughing so hard, and not being able to breathe.

It felt like I had to clear my throat, so I did, and with that came an awful burning pain in the back of my throat, with a weird and terrible tasting after taste.

I immediately freaked out thinking I was choking to death and now vomiting blood... but there wasn't any...

I took a puff of my rescue inhaler, 2 tums, and drank a cup of milk... but I still had the yucking tasting, burning feeling in my throat. (At the top, like just after my tongue, so I took a lozenge to numb it out.

This has happened to me before, but I've always assumed it was something to do with smoking.

It hasn't happened for a long time, but since the last time I have quit smoking, so now I'm even more worried.

I know I have to go see my doctor, but it's 4am, and her office is closed, and I will most likely not get an appointment for 2 weeks (d**n doctor shortage). I'm not looking for a diagnosis on here, but maybe someone else has experienced it and can offer some insight.

It's super scary when you can't breathe... and I'm usually a heavy sleeper, so I'm scared that maybe next time it happens I won't be lucky enough to wake up from it....




  1.      I would guess on acid reflux. While sleeping your body is at an angle with your head lower then your feet, you have damage in this area allowing acid to flow into your lower  esophagus and burning. It's not going to get any better on it's own.

         If it does get worse and the doctor does have to operate he can use to lower esophagus, turn it inside out to use as the valve for the new one. Scary, to say the l;east, so, get three to a doctor and don't bash them for being short, get something, Maalox, Metmucil, there is hope out there.

        P.S. Try sleeping with your head propped on a second pillow, sometimes this helps.

  2. I sometimes struggle with acid reflux.  One of the best and simplest things you can do is drink some water.  This should also help your asthma a lot as well.

    Your body needs enough water to make hydrochloric acid in your stomach  to digest your food.  

    I have a whole page of rememdies for acid reflux, stomach upsets, and any kind of gastric pain at my website but always try the water first.  Make sure you drink a glass of water 30 minutes before you eat and then another glass 2 hours afterward.  That 2 hours after is usually when acid reflux starts up.

    And always keep some water by your bed at night.  I keep mine in a bottle so the cats don't drink it :)

    I hope these tips help you feel better soon.


  3. hi i would certanley get a docs appointment  and tell them how serious this is they wil give you one straight away. i suffer with a small hiatus hernia with acid reflux  this is most likley what you have ,, do u sometimes feel you have somthing stuck in your throat . and it wont budge . if yes then you probabley have it . while writing to you i am suffering heartburn  its awfull i take tablets from the doctor and gaviscon   . hope you find this of help   good luck.

  4. Could be gastroesophageal reflux. consult drs though

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