My father recently passed away due to 'kidney failure' ( on dilaysis for 6 years). His last vsits to his kidney doctor was not a good one and recommeneded palitive care and hospice, which we did at home. For 2 weeks he progressively got worse. He was prescribed liquid morphine for pain. The hospice nurse told us to "keep him on a schedule on every 4 hours, or else its hard to catch up with the pain and can became a bear". In following the schedule we set our alarms to awake him in the middle of the night to give him an oral injection. The night he died, it was difficult to wake him and he was not fully awake when I injected it into his mouth. Nurse advised to inject under tongue as it will dissolve. It was hard to do that, and I don't believe all of it made it under his tongue. Is it possible he choked to death in his sleep? (.75ML was given that night), or maybe a possible overdose due to his kidneys. Please help as I can't stop thinking I made a mistake.