
Cholesterol medication and red yeast rice not working for my father - any natural suggestions?

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Hi, my father recently had his second stent put in; he had gone off his lipitor and the doctors said he'd better get back on it. The side effects were so bad (weakness, pain in limbs) he had to stop taking it. I did some research and told him to take red yeast rice and Co-Q10, but he's still having bad effects. I'm wondering if there are other ways (besides diet - he's been on a pretty lean diet for a while & exercises 30 minutes/day) to reduce his cholesterol? Thanks.




  1. That would probably be the reason Red Yeast Rice didn't work for him... he's allergic to the Statins (which are naturally occurring in RYR). The muscle pain/weakness is a semi-common allergic reaction to the Statins that can contribute to liver and/or kidney problems if they aren't stopped.

    He should stay off the Statins and RYR unless he wants to contribute more to his liver/kidney problems that they have been contributing to.

    That being said, some of the most beneficial natural products for Cholesterol health are Policosanol, Beta Sitosterol, Omega 3 and 9 Fatty Acids (typically in Fish Oil, Flax Oil, and Olive Oil), Guggul, Niacin, Lecithin, Garlic, PhosphatidylCholine, and any good soluble fiber. Each of those help with different aspects of Cholesterol health, so you may need a variety of them... try one or two of them out. Aside from that, there's always the standard plan of diet and exercise, but that's normally just increasing soluble fiber (veggies, fruits, grains, etc) and decreasing bad foods (some sugars, certain fatty foods, etc). Good luck!

  2. go check the product profile on  this web page cordyceps, among other things lowers the LDL cholesterol and raises the HDL cholesterol, get  your Dad to check out the gano GL and RG as well.....he wont be disappointed

  3. Please do NOT let the doctors put him on Bacal, not sure of spelling.  They put my daddy on that for cholesterol.  Because of it, his kidneys shut down, etc.  after years of dialysis, he finally lost his fight for life.  All because of the Cholesterol lowering meds.  Be really careful.

    Good Luck and God Bless

  4. Plant sterols, like what you see in margarines etc now days. 2000 mg a day. Add  time release niacin.500 mg/day  Stay with Coq10.  The side effects of the drug may linger awhile and red yeast rice may encourage  them to linger... and add fish oil, add at 2,000 grams of omega 3, that is the EPA and DHA combined, be sure to check the label.  For some people a diet high in carbs may contribute to high cholesterol so look into that...

  5. Flora butters are amazing for lowering cholsterol and also eating whole grain wheat such as shredded wheat if really good to.

    Cutting back on fatty food and gentle exercise everyday would dramatically improve his cholesterol!

  6. Fish oil has worked for me where meds. didn't...

  7. Use Benecol margerine, sterol rich foods such as vegetables, nuts, beans, oily fish like mackerel...and an apple per day helps reduce cholesterol.

    look at this website I found a while ago helps me reduce my cholesterol - mines now 4.4 from 5.6 in 13months and I dont take the statins.

  8. It seems like every one is trying Red Rice  try this ...... walk every day  one mile or more, no red meats, no fry foods,  no pastries, cookies  they have hydrated oils, no fast foods, take Vitamins magnesium citrate 1oz a day, zinc, potassium, Bs more complex carbohydrates in his diet if  he can stay on this plan for 3 months he WILL see a difference, those drugs  will eventually ruin his  liver  loosing just a few pounds will make a big difference

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