
Cholos or white boy skaters pretty boys?

by  |  earlier

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what do u think is hotter




  1. skater pretty boys. gotta love flippy hair

  2. SKATA!! i love the hair

  3. skater boys!!!!!!!!! like ryan sheckler!!!! omg! i love skaters

  4. white boy cowboy skaters with a pinch of school girl


  5. cholos like the kind that wear whit sneakers and take great pride in them selves is always great. Too many skater white boys look q***r they all wear emo girl pants and tuck their junk.

  6. White boy skaters for sure as long as they are smart, hot, and not dirty. Cholos? Are you freakin kidding me. NAsty!!!!!!!!!! a nice smart hispanic boy would be like a million times better than some gang member.

    As long as they will work hard , support you, and rock your world. Stay away form the drug users and the promiscuous boys.

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