
Choose between AP U.S. History or Spanish II Honors?

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I might have to choose between taking AP U.S. History, or Spanish II Honors due to schedule conflict. All my other classes are honors and work fine it's just those two. This is for junior year. I hope to go to Stanford University for a business major. Which class do you think Stanford or any university would rather see? and Why?




  1. Take the Spanish class, you need class time to learn a foreign language. You can always study AP US on your own and then take the test. You can't do the same with Spanish. Or, maybe you can take AP US the next year.

  2. i guess it depends on what type of business you are looking to get into - if you're considering international business, then learning a foreign language will be an asset.  but, on the other hand, history also plays a role in business, too.

    as long as you try your hardest and challenge yourself, either class will be fine.  my advice is to take whichever interests you more - follow your heart and you'll make the right decision.  remember that APs look good on your transcript, but so does following your passion (if spanish happens to be that).  any college likes to see a student who pursues their interests...

  3. The answer is obvious- AP History. Without taking AP classes, you will have a very slim chance of getting into a university as prestigious as Stanford. I would even advise taking another AP class next year. While you may need to take Spanish for graduation requirements, you may want to look into taking it online or next year to free up space for AP classes.

  4. AP US History- because the AP Classes really help you out. They also help you out with ur GPA! Good Luck!

  5. AP US History is always nice, as US History tends to be a graduation requirement at most schools. This means a good AP score and you're exempted from that particular requirement.

    In addition, history tends to lend itself to someone wishing to study business. The AP curriculum's focus on such national figures as the "Robber Barons" (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan) and other famous business icons can provide you with the background necessary to fully appreciate modern business standards and practice.

  6. AP History definitely, if you pass the AP exam you get college credit. Also for your report card, if you take spanish honors, from the grade you receive from spanish honors you multiply it by 5% and you add that to your original grade, it makes it better. But AP U.S. History the grade you get from that class you multiply it by 10% and add it to the original grade. AP is better I scored a 5 on the test, and it counts for college credit. An Ivy league school would rather see an AP class because it shows that you have taken college work class and that your ready for College.

  7. i was able to take both and i say ap us history, i managed to pass and i hardly studied,  only take the spanish class next year if u need it to get into college

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