
Choose binghamton or stony brook?

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im a senior, live in ny, and im applying ot 2 suny schoools - binghamton and stony brook. stony brook is my safety and binghamton is not so much a safety, but still a little safe, like 40%. if i get accepted to both, which one should i go to for chemistry? i know stony is for medicine and binghamton is for business? but i really want to get away from long island, which is why i want to go to bing, but is it worth it? to go to a school thats not known for chemistry or science, for that matter? basically, wat im asking is, is it acceptable to go to binghamnton for science?




  1. Binghamton has a pretty good reputation overall, so I think you would be fine going there, even for chemistry.

  2. What kind of science?

    Binghamton is more engineering

    Stony Brook is more medical.

    So if you like science such as chem or bio, choose SB

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