
Choose the correct answer!?.....AGAIN?

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Mr. ultra .. why did you change your talk?

actually you've got to know that we 're really trying to secure life for the innocent people ..don't worry about me ..i'm really fine ..

But there are people who are NOT FINE !

Can't you see ..!




  1. -peace man!

  2. You may tell the truth but you failed to present all the facts. For all us stupid folks out here what are the three (known) regions to which you allude? Would they be India, Pakistan, Afghanistan? or Iran, Iraq, Syria? etc., etc., etc. I can think of may areas in the world where three (known) regions are in conflict. C'mon sport... talk freely and frankly. don't obfuscate your truthful position by failing to give us all the facts.

  3. The answer is:

    a) The obsolete zionist beliefs and myths.

  4. The answer is the failure of the Palestinians to make a land for themselves in the West Bank and Gaza even though they are both viable places to live, the West Bank in particular because of all the tourism that can be brought in to such a holy place. Instead, they decide to cause attacks on Israel which hurt them more in the end when Israel retaliates. Worse, when Israel tells them they have a choice between electricity and bombing, which have they chosen repeatedly? So, in the broad sense, it is the fault of Radical Islam.

  5. In the Israel the Arab terrorists.

    In the Gaza and west bank people get killed as a result of Israel eliminating above terrorists that are hiding inside the crowded neighborhood's.

  6. Leaving out the Rapture which most do anyway.  The only way to heaven is through death.  So many are so unhappy in this overcrowded world that they see death as a way out.

    To attribute these suicidal tendencies to a religious belief is just further evidence of the sickness pervading their minds.

    So I pick C.

    Those people are nuts and they drag the other people down with them as is the case in Gaza.  Radicals who never intended to plant or grow or harvest come to Gaza to die.  Hexbo too.

    Falling on your face five times a day may be a worthy practice, but it doesn't mean anything if you don't take the time to listen for God's reply.

    Put your faith in the Lord, Iran can't do you any good.

  7. Same answer as yesterday.

    b) with a slight correction, it's government not governmentS.

    It is the Palestinian authority "government" which has taken their money to produce more war and hate and also for their own private interests such as a multi figure bank account instead of taking this money to build a functioning society who contributes to the region.

  8. D

  9. d!!


  10. There were no deaths until the zionists came.

    Those responsible are those that gave the orders (zionist leadership); those that carried out those orders (IDF and other israeli terrorist organisations); and those that gave them succour (the zionist general population).

    Hamas, your going to need a lot of rope.

  11. b) the govts of the PA, of Iran, of Syria...yep...they're all responsible for the loss of innocent life in Israel.

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