
Choosing Baby's s*x?

by Guest66499  |  earlier

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I want to know if the theory of choosing gender by having certaing kind of diet and having s*x 3-4 days before ovulation ( for girl) and 1 day before ovulation ( for boy) really works..Has it been worked for anyone of you...i want to know how much accurate is it?




  1. its not about the girl its about the guy

  2. No, these don't work. There are doctors now who can help you choose the s*x of the baby- it was in parenting mag a few months ago, I think. It costs about $2000 each attempt. They put the s***n in a (shoot, brain f**t- those things that spin blood around to separate it?) and the boy sperm is heavier and girl sperm is lighter, so they separate them (no guarantees, of course) and inseminate you. There's only about two places in US. You could google doctors, s*x-selection.


  3. Ever tend to notice woman at certain times of the yr getting pregnant and they all are pregnant with the same s*x?

    i had my daughter 6 months ago and everyone that was due at or round the same time I was was expecting a girl.....and so was I.....

    My cousin was due 2 months before me...and all her pregnant friends had boys and so did she.

    I would go with the chinese calendar I think its most accurate when trying to choose the s*x....

  4. i actually just talked to my doc. today about determining s*x. he said that no wives tales are true, except for the nausea one. (sicker with girl, less with boy) but you have to have birthed both sexes to figure it out, all women are different. also, i just seen a cnn special on the news about what you eat before you conceive. from what they said if you comsume alot of sugary, fatty foods and do not diet in any form you are more likely to have a girl. and if you have constantly dieted and are on a no sugar/ no fat diet you are more likey to have a boy. bannas alot before conceiving they say can help for a boy, b/c of potassium. i cant remember how they said it does it. try to look online at cnn/news.i just seen it about 2 weeks ago. it has been proven, but they havent published anything on it yet. but. like i said this is based on how you ate before you got pregnant, not while you are. and also, what i meant above, about dieting, is not so much as what you chose to do, but how you ate anyway. know what i mean? like if you are a dieter, you will automatically go for less sugar.- btw it is the guy that determines s*x, however, the womens enviroment (bodily) is what it ends up being along with the sperm. i guess that is why eating differently can change it.

  5. I never heard of choosing s*x by diet, but have heard that having s*x a few days before ovulation can cause a girl because girl sperm have more stamina and last longer, but are slow. Boy sperm are faster but have less stamina and tire out sooner.

    I had a lot of trouble getting pregnant so i read a lot about it and talked to doctor's and friends for their experience. When I did get pregnant, I heard that the position you are in during intercourse can make it harder to get pregnant (like female on top) so I was not expecting to be pregnant. Later on someone told me that may have caused me to have a girl because it is easier for female sperm to swim uphill. Oh, I took an ovulation predictor kit the next day and it said I had ovulated already. So I guess I had s*x the day of ovulation and still had a girl.

  6. People who ended up having the gender they wanted by doing those things will say it works.  People who didn't will say it doesn't work.

    I'd say those methods have about a 50% accuracy.

    I'd lean more toward the theory about timing s*x so that the female sperm get to the egg once the male sperm have died off more than the diet.  Diet doesn't affect the chromosomes in the sperm.

  7. none of it is very accurate..I think its just a myth

  8. Why would you ask that???? Get real!!
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