
Choosing a puppy food?

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i tried science diet and she got real bad gas -so i switched to Iams and was doing great but then she wouldn't eat that-- so we are feeding purina puppy chow and she barely will eat that-- Any suggestions on another food to try---




  1. While my dog eats food called gastro and it;'s very good. He has a really esnsative stomache and it works good. It also keeps his teeth clean. If it doesn't wrok ask your local vet or jjst keep trying. But you need to get him some kinda food.

  2. Sometimes when our puppy wouldn't eat, I'd put one little keeble on the ground and she'd it up. Just try feeding her one at a time for once. It might take a while to feed her, but at least she's eatting.

  3. try puppy beneficial my dog loves it and mix a little wet food with it ur puppy will love it

  4. You might be feeding her too much.  I'm not sure about food.  We feed our dog Science Diet.  If you feed her dry, try either semi-wet or wet.  Semi wet is a dry dog food that when you add so much water, it turns into gravy (it being water).  Other than that, I've not used much.  Just make sure the new food isn't on the pet food recall list:

  5. royal canin, it very tasty food, and quality one


    I'd choose any of the 5 and 6 star ones. Innova is my personal favorite.

    As good as they look, Science Diet, Iams, and Purina are awful foods. They are loaded with corn, byproducts, and other fillers. Dogs cannot digest corn and it can cause problems or allergies. Byproducts are the parts of the animals that weren't suitable for human consumption, like hooves or beaks. And fillers provide no nutritional value whatsoever.

  7. All three of those foods are really bad.  They contain so many indigestible fillers.  We have been using Merrick for quite a few months now, and it is great.  No gas, small stools, nice coat, no excessive eye tearing, etc.  It is a 5 star food and comes in lots of different "flavors".

  8. I feed my chihuahuas, both 6mo and 7yr old, on a rotation of Evo, Merrick's Before Grain and Nature's Variety. They both do very well on these foods.
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