
Choosing a therapist?

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I think I want to start seeing a therapist or counselor. How do I go about finding one? Is it better to get referrals from people, or can I just search online or in the yellow pages? How do I know if they will be a good fit for me?




  1. Here's a web site that some folks have used:

  2. choose my cousins mom

  3. This is a tough question.  You need to connect with a therapist pretty well.  I have had a really good one and a really bad one.  I wanted my therapist to have a PhD in clinical psychology.  Clinical social workers and other certificates are probably ok,  have a PhD was just a choice.  I got a recommendation from my family doctor and my psychiatrist.  The first one was great and I work with her for 3 years but the current one sucks.  Probably need to change to another one.  Meet with a few of them once,  tell them you are looking for a therapist and see how you like them.  You don't have to stick with the first one you meet with.

    Good Luck

  4. If you don't know anyone who is or has seen a therapist, the only thing you can do is to start with your insurance company and see who is in your plan.  You can call them up and ask about things that are important to you.  If religion is important, then ask about religious affiliations, if alternative therapies are important then ask if they are open to them.  Also, ask about what happens when you need more therapy than your insurance will pay for.  Ask if they will allow a payment plan or if they will just cut you off until you can pay for services.

  5. Well some people have to search around a lot for the therapist that fits them the best. I got a referral from my doctor and liked the woman. I don't personally think it matters how you find the therapist. I think the most important thing is that you find the right therapist for you. I knew that mine was right for me because I wasn't embarrassed talking to her. I mean there where the first little jitters, but overall I felt comfortable. She didn't make me feel ashamed by my problems. You will hopefully find a therapist and just click with them. Then you will know.

  6. referrals are the best way to go. you won't know how good a therapist fits until you've had a session so don't be afraid to leave if it isn't working.

    if you need to ask your doctor for a referral.

  7. i would ask my doctor who he would recommend. if you  have any friends with similar problems, ask them who they see-then make your decision.
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