
Choosing an event-800 might tire me out?

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I know I've asked this a lot, but I'm trying to make a decision.

There's a track meet coming up on May 20th for the whole county. It's not very competitive, since the national mile times for this contest (Hershey Track and Field) are only 5 minutes or so for my division. I will be competing against people up to a year older than me.

On the same day, I'm competing against the top 5 13-year-old girls in my school for the mile. This is in the morning. The track meet starts at 5:30 and goes to 8:30.

I'm doing the mile run and the standing long jump. There's one more event that I could do:

100 meter dash

200 meter dash

800 meter run

I don't really fancy myself as a sprinter, but I've been complimented when I was just running up the street to catch my friend.

My coach says that I shouldn't do the 800 because

1. I'm already running the mile twice that day,


2. I could experiment with short distance (200) and just see how I do.




  1. I can see your claims about the 800M run being tiring. I personally run both the 800M and 1600M, and I'm 14 years old. I run a 2:26 800M and a 5:40 mile. In my meets, the 800M is a few events after the 1600M though, and the mile is more tiring than the 800M. For me, the 800M isn't too tough, since it's easier than the mile. All the 800M is really about is that you have to start out in your first lap (assuming it's on a track) strong, and then trying to finish strong in the second. If you do end up doing in the 800M, you should probably start out strongest for the first 100-150 meters or so, then slow down a small bit. Once you hit your second lap, you need to start speeding up a little. Then, at the 300 mark, speed up a little more (assuming you've the energy). If your body is telling you that you can sprint the last 200 meters, go ahead. Start sprinting when your instincts telling you to. You could try the 200 meter dash if you want, or even the 100 meter dash. I don't think the 100 meter dash is too tiring though.

  2. Do the 200 it will only tire you out a little bit.

  3. Well I dont find the 800 hundred very tiring, though it may be a bit much if you are running two other races that day. Maybe try the 200 hundred because, since it is longer, there is more room for error than it the 100.

  4. You should do the 800m. It is a lot easier. I am in track and I do distance. The 800 is a lot easier for me to run mentally. As soon as you get tired, you only have one more lap to go. It is also fun to run a shorter distance. I think you would really enjoy it.

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