My step-father-in-law is starting to pick favorites with his grandchildren. My husband and I have a 3 year old daughter, which he sees a lot because my mother-in-law watches her while we're at work. My sister-in-law just had a son in May of this year and Papaw is already choosing my daughter over him. I am feeling extremely uncomfortable with this as I've never liked the idea of anyone choosing favorites (or at least making it known to everyone). I talked to him about it yesterday and told him he needs to try his best to treat them both equally. His excuse is that although he loves them both dearly, Myles is still only 3 months old and when he is able to play with him and take him to the park like he does my daughter, then it will be different. I don't know what to think or what to do about this. I know my MIL and my SIL are upset about it and I don't want them to start resenting my daughter because of it. I don't want Papaw to pick favorites as it makes everyone involved feel upset and uncomfortable. Plus, he will soon have a third grandchild. What's he going to do then?
Am I worried about this for a reason or am I reading too much into it? What do you think?